※ 引述《Hivwing (飞羽)》之铭言:
: 1.媒体来源:
: Reuters(路透社)
: 2.完整新闻标题:
: China's Xi calls on army to be battle-ready
: 习近平呼吁军队做好战斗准备
: 3.完整新闻内文:
: China’s armed forces must strengthen their sense of urgency and do
: everything they can to prepare for battle, President Xi Jinping told a
: meeting of top brass on Friday.
: 中国国家主席习近平周五在一次高级官员会议上表示,中国军队必须加强紧迫感,尽一
: 努力为战斗做准备。
: China is keen to beef up its armed forces amid territorial disputes in the
: South China Sea and escalating tension with the United States over issues
: ranging from trade to the status of Taiwan.
: 中国热衷于在南海领土争端中加强武装力量,并在贸易与台湾地位等问题上升级了与美
: 的紧张关系。
: The official Xinhua news agency said Xi told a meeting of the top military
: authority that China faced increasing risks and challenges, and the armed
: forces must work to secure its security and development needs.
: 官媒新华社指出,习近平在一次高级军事会议说,中国面临越来越大的风险和挑战,武
: 部队必须努力确保其安全和发展需求。
: Xi, who is also chairman of the Central Military Commission, said the armed
: forces must devise strategies for the new era and take on responsibilities
: for preparing and waging war.
: 同时还担任中央军委主席的习近平表示,武装部队必须为新时代制定战略,承担起准备
: 发动战争的责任。
: “The world is facing a period of major changes never seen in a century, and
: China is still in an important period of strategic opportunity for
: development,” he was quoted as saying.
: “世界正面临着一个世纪以来从未见过的重大变革时期,中国仍处于发展战略机遇的重
: 时期,”习近平被引述说。
: He said the armed forces needed to be able to respond quickly to emergencies
: needed to upgrade their joint operations capabilities and nurture new types
: of combat forces.
: 他说,武装部队需要能够迅速应对紧急情况,需要提升其联合作战能力,培养新型作战
: 队。
: Xi’s comments followed his remarks on Wednesday that China still reserved
: the right to use force to achieve “reunification” with Taiwan and prevent
: the island’s independence.
: 习近平周三发表评论说,中国仍保留使用武力实现与台湾“统一”,阻止台湾独立的权
: 。
: Xi’s Taiwan speech came just days after U.S. President Donald Trump signed
: the Asia Reassurance Initiative Act into law, reaffirming the U.S. commitmen
: to the island’s security.
: 在美国总统川普签署“亚洲再保险倡议法”成为法律,重申美国对该岛安全的承诺后几
: ,习近平发表了台湾讲话。
: 4.完整新闻连结 (或短网址):
: https://goo.gl/ByvVTe
: 5.备注: