[新闻] 瑞士三角巧克力因为清真认证激怒极右派

楼主: humphrey0923 (潮州尼可拉斯凯吉)   2018-12-20 11:45:03
Toblerone's halal certification outrages the far right
Members of Europe's far right have called for a mass boycott of Toblerone, aft
er discovering that the popular triangular chocolate bar is halal-certified.
Halal is an Arabic word that denotes that a food or service is permissible acc
ording to Islamic law. It excludes foods containing pork or alcohol, and requi
res that animals are slaughtered by a Muslim by a cut to the throat, without b
eing stunned.
Toblerone has not changed its recipe, but some online commentators have taken
badly the news that its factory in Bern, Switzerland, achieved a halal certifi
cation in April
作者: SydLrio (狂岚嘴砲)   2017-12-20 11:45:00
作者: f124 (....)   2017-12-20 11:45:00
回教徒本来就应该向中国一样对付它们 不然只会爬到你头上去
作者: MotleyCrue (克鲁小丑)   2018-12-20 11:46:00
二楼干死一楼 一楼也感染爱滋烂屌五楼再被一二楼干死
作者: SydLrio (狂岚嘴砲)   2018-12-20 11:46:00
作者: bestteam (wombat是胖胖熊)   2018-12-20 11:47:00
这是付保护费吧 不然巧克力要认证啥
作者: qaz223gy (亚阿相界)   2018-12-20 11:48:00
付保护费? 伊斯兰化就是伊斯兰化好吗?
作者: mack860120 (大腰果™)   2018-12-20 11:48:00
作者: howarddddads   2018-12-20 11:52:00
作者: Qoo302 (Qoo~)   2018-12-20 11:52:00
作者: Dejaff (小熊老公28号)   2018-12-20 11:53:00
作者: Killercat (杀人猫™)   2018-12-20 11:53:00
这其实跟申请纯素认证 无过敏源认证 一样的
作者: snocia (雪夏)   2018-12-20 11:53:00
作者: gz   2018-12-20 11:55:00
智障认证 会在呼这个的都是智障
作者: snocia (雪夏)   2018-12-20 11:55:00
作者: JHGF2468A (Joker)   2018-12-20 11:56:00
作者: snocia (雪夏)   2018-12-20 11:57:00

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