speedup (speedup)
2018-11-07 04:39:26从这事件就可以看出台湾教育的三大问题
第一 没有人教你要看T&C或fine print
而不是因旬苟且想说 之前可以 为什么现在不可以
第二 英文太差没办法即时表达想法 或诉诸国际社群
第三 国族认同混乱 明明不代表中国 也管不到中国
还说我们是台湾只是国号叫中华民国 (你他妈智障喔)
※ 引述《orze04 (orz)》之铭言:
: https://tinyurl.com/yb4lx5pp
: ESL工作人员最新回应
: ESL Staff
: Hello, I am sitting here with our head admin for CSGO. I do not have great
: news for you, unfortunately, and I am sorry you were disqualified. Here's how
: we approach this case based on our rules:
: 我和CSGO主管群都座在这。我很抱歉你们被取消资格
: When signing up for the qualifiers here:
: https://play.esea.net/?s=events&d=register&id=156 you could see the regional
: distribution pointed out where we list all countries and which regions they
: should play. What's important for Taiwan is that it's not listed in any of
: Asia's sub regions here. Both the rulebook and the regional distribution
: document
: (https://eslgfx.net/media/lo/csgo-major/IEM_Katowice_2019_CSGO_Major_Region_Distribution.pdf)
: state that if your country is not listed, you should contact ESL
: administration to seek clarification on which qualifier you should compete in.
: 报名时我就给你名单告诉过哪些地区/国家要去报哪一区
: 台湾不属于任何一区
: 如果没被列入,你要跟ESL管理者反应
: There is the inevitable question that follows: why is Taiwan not listed as a
: country? For this rulebook ESL used the United Nations list of countries as a
: measure of determining countries and regions. Please note that I have no
: interest in discussing global politics. I am merely pointing out how we came
: up with the list of countries.
: 为什么台湾没被列入?
: 因为我们使用联合国列出的国家
: 我们对政治不感兴趣
: Please feel free to DM me here on reddit if you want to have a further chat.
: =====================================================
: 好喔
: 继续游戏归游戏 政治归政治啊