XSZX (沉默‧封印......)
2018-10-01 11:33:30其实我比较想知道
※ 引述《NewYAWARA (朝霞之前奏)》之铭言:
: ※ 引述《kid33 ()》之铭言:
: : “太晚发现金庸”射雕英雄传英译版登亚马逊分类销量冠军
: : 〔即时新闻/综合报导〕知名武侠小说《射雕英雄传》在今年2月被译成英文版出版
: : ,销量相当不错,在本月举办的“2018成都国际书店论坛”开幕时,《射雕英雄传》
: : 版的出版人受访表示,英语系国家这么晚才发现金庸,“真的太不可思议”,更赞许
: : 的写作手法相当独特。
: 其中一小段让大家参考大概是怎么写的:
: 彭连虎只感上臂与小臂之交的“曲池穴”上一麻,手臂疾缩,总算变招迅速,
: 没给她拂中穴道。这一来心中大奇,想不到这样一个小姑娘竟然身负技艺,不
: 但出招快捷,认穴极准,而这门以小指拂穴的功夫,饶是他见多识广,却也从
: 未见过。殊不知黄蓉这“兰花拂穴手”乃家传绝技,讲究的是“快、准、奇、
: 清”,快、准、奇,这还罢了,那个“清”字,务须出手优雅,气度闲逸,轻
: 描淡写,行若无事,才算得到家,要是出招紧迫狠辣,不免落了下乘,配不上
: “兰花”的高雅之名了。四字之中,倒是这“清”字诀最难。
: Tiger Peng's elbow went numb, followed by his whole arm. But he had
: barely felt any contact. HOw did this pretty young girl know about
: such an obscure pressure point? And how was she able to hit it so
: quickly and precisely? He had never, in all his years in the wulin,
: seen anything like this Orchid Touch kung fu, a technique that
: emphasised speed, accuracy, surprise and clarity. It was this last
: aspect, clarity, which really distinguished the accomplished
: practitioner, as it principally required a stillness of the heart,
: graceful movement born of an unhurried mind. Too urgent, too brutal,
: and the move would be clumsy and unbefitting of Orchid Touch style.
: Clarity: that was the hardest part to master.
: “只不过我是王爵的世子,家教又严,要是给人知道,说我和一位江湖英雄、
: 草莽豪杰结了亲家,不但父王怪罪,多半圣上还要严旨切责父王呢。”
: "But you see, I am the eldest son of the Prince of Zhao. My father
: is strict. If he found out I had agreed to marry a young girl of
: no family, a wandering performer from the rivers and lakes, he would
: be furious and the people would despise him for it."