※ 引述《a343408065 (寂寞东京铁塔)》之铭言:
: 早在一年前就有人去他脸书问过这件事
: 他当时也澄清了
: 为什么媒体不报导?
: 为什么政论节目不报导?
: 我建议大家拿我下面的资料打去电视台抗议
: 民进党某些政治人物和媒体已经突破人类道德底线
: ——
: 以下资料在下列贴文的留言与回应中
: https://www.facebook.com/683183178/posts/10155756541218179/
: https://i.imgur.com/zCuvS1s.jpg
: https://i.imgur.com/scmOMDS.jpg
: Dr. Ko did not cooperate with the Chinese. He just wanted to change the system
: from the inside (which all doctors apparently want to/think they can do). He
: failed. And okay, he wasn't exactly forthright about the whole thing. But he g
: ave me an honest interview and I respect him for doing so.
: https://i.imgur.com/UgDP2Lx.jpg
: I'm sure that Beijing is interested in influencing Ko. Why wouldn't they be? Y
: et instead of indulging in conspiratorial speculation, you should really read
: Chapter 9 of my book to see how the actual interview went down. He was holding
: on to a secret. He reacted to my questions by unexpectedly telling the truth.
: Then he tried to change his story a bit in the heat of a mayoral campaign. Ok
: ay: that's all pretty human stuff isn't it?
: Guttmann还被问到不爽开呛
: https://i.imgur.com/IUKsBFX.jpg
: You really love the conspiracy stuff don’t you? Well so do I, but there is no
: thing here. Anyway, New Bloom was basically right - there were unanswered ques
: tions - and I waited until Christmas 2014 to release my video on those questio
: ns and the emails. I even explained why I waited. Not much more to add really.
: ——
: 以上相关资料公布完毕
: 民进党还有什么能抹的赶快拿出来
: 不然下礼拜就轮到姚文智编年表上场了
: 那可是货真价实完全可查证的资料