Re: [爆卦] 葛特曼与柯文哲间的律师函与往返信件全图

楼主: nitu2009 (tomwhat)   2018-09-04 01:00:30
※ 引述《errard (I love GMAT)》之铭言:
: ※ 引述《ext66 (暗夜)》之铭言:
: : 真是够了,政经刚刚又有来宾在打
: : “柯文哲在辩论会上拿出来的律师函是真是假、不给记者拍摄”等莫名其妙的问题
: : 我说阿,所有的东西作者官网就有了,
: : 也有当年柯文哲说的"作者之后会正式说明"
: : (其实就是长版的律师函,媒体没报只是因为事情很清楚没爆点了吧?)
: : 上节目之前做个功课有这么难吗?
: :
: : 没发现在作者官网哪里的话,抓出来给你们看了。
: : 来源:
: :
: :
: : 缩网址:
: 由于影片没有开放加上字幕
: 以下是前半部分的听译
: In my book I do not describe Dr. Ko as an organ broker.
: 在我的书中,我并未描述柯医师是个器官掮客。
: I describe him as a man of singular courage.
: 我形容他是一个有着独特勇气的人。
: Dr. Ko basically admitted that he had stumbled into something terrible in
: China.
: 柯医师基本上承认他在中国无意间涉入了一些可怕的事情。
: He was looking into the quality of care for transplant patients, elderly
: people in Taiwan who wanted to get an organ.
: 他当时在替器官移植病患,也就是台湾需要器官的老人,调查的医疗品质。
: (quality of care, 好的医疗品质,从术前评估、手术人员训练、到术后追踪
: 感谢cerberi的指正)
: China is obviously the go-to place.
: 强国很明显就是做这件事情首先会想到要寻访的地方。
: To wait in Taiwan on the list was a death sentence for somebody who
: needed a new liver.
: 对于当时台湾需要新的肝脏的人而言,在等待名单上无异于死刑。
: This is back in 2004, 2005. China is out there advertising prices,
: advertising care.
: 这是在2004、2005那时。强国正在行销他们的价格、行销他们的医疗照护(器官)。
: So at some point, he is in the mainland.
: 所以在某个时间点,他(柯p)就跑到强国去了。
: And he goes to a hospital and he talks to the doctors and they go through
: some sort of getting to know you process.
: 然后他就去了(强国的)医院,然后他跟当地的医生谈话,然后他们就进到了某种熟识彼

: 的程序中(应酬)。
: And at the end of that process, they say well look we will give your patient
: from your clinic or whatever.
: 在这程序的尾声,他们(强国医)说,嘿,我们会给你的病人还是诊所之类的。
: We'll give them a Chines price (which is) about half the foreigner price.
: 我们会给他们强国价,大概就是歪国价钱的一半。
: But they say we also understand your concerns about organ quality he was
: looking out for his patients or his clinic.
: 但他们(强国医)也说,我们了解你担心(你替病患或医院寻找的)器官的品质。
: In China, you negotiate. Everybody negotiates. Politicians negotiate.
: Businessman negotiate. Doctors negotiate. My mother negotiate for the price
: for about five minutes in a Beijing market.
: 在中国,你谈判。每个人都谈判。政客谈判、商人谈判、医生谈判。连我妈都在
: 北京的市场为一根香蕉的价格喷了五分钟口水。
: And there's nothing hidden abut that or surreptitious or even evil about it.
: 而且这其中没有什么可疑之处或邪恶的阴谋。
: It is simply the way things of business is done in China.
: 纯粹就是在中国的做事的风格。
: What he was told though was something he did not expect.
: 而他(柯p)被告知的是一些他始料未及的事情。
: Doctor Ko was basically told these are you don't have to worry about the
: quality of these organs.
: 柯医师被告知不需要担心这些器官的品质。
: Because they are Falun Gong.
: 因为他们来自法轮功。
: These are people they don't drink.
: 法轮功人不喝酒。
: They don't smoke.
: 不抽菸。
: They practice very healthy Chi Gong.
: 还练对身体非常健康的气功。
: Well everybody knows the Falun Gong are arrested with no ...
: 嗯,大家都知道法轮功常被逮捕不须...
: Often aren't arrested at all.
: 常根本没被逮捕。
: They just simply disapper.
: 他们就人间蒸发了。
: They were taken in.
: 他们被带走。
: Everybody knows they're being tortured.
: 大家都知道他们被刑求。
: I mean this is not a secret in Taiwan.
: 我的意思是这在台湾根本不是秘密。
: This was an appalling things, a terrible thing that he'd walked into.
: 这是令人震惊的、可布的事情,柯p就这样卷入惹。
: Here he did something about it.
: 他做了些事情(来防堵)。
: He created a form, an electronic form on his computer and put a lot of work
: into this which Chinese would have to use, which one identify where every
: organ came from.
: 他创造了一个表格,一个他电脑上e化的的表格,而且下了很多功夫在上面。这个表格

: 国人必须要使用,可以辨认每个器官的来源。
: He said this would only take care ninety-five percent of this problem.
: 他(柯p)说这只能解决大概百分之九十五的问题... (后面略译)

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