Re: [新闻] 柯P称《屠杀》内容不对 应去查幕后是

楼主: sOwAt (nothing)   2018-09-03 13:00:13
对啊 你柯屁是没有仲介啊
※ 引述《KingKingCold (お元気ですか?私元気です)》之铭言:
: 葛特曼律师回函 澄清柯P没参与器官仲介
: 新头壳newtalk | 翁嫆琄 台北报导
: 发布 2014.11.27 | 15:20
: 葛特曼律师回函中文翻译:
: 请谅解我们的回应时间,超过了您当初于十一月四号信中,我们所承诺的三周期限数日。
: 我们对于柯医师的疑虑非常认真地看待,且我们已经详阅所有书中相关页面并检视当时撰
: 写依据的面谈纪录与文件。
: 我们认为,在台湾媒体上全面性的误解与鲁莽的指控,是因为Gutmann书中的英文与相关
: 页面被翻译成中文过后,因为语言与文化的差异所造成的理解问题。
: 我们相信所有的误解都会在中文版的The Slaughter中被澄清,其中会包含未收录在英文
: 版中的序言,会直接回应柯文哲医师的疑虑。
: 为了让事情更明朗,我们必须要指出,对于书中225页的理解,完全没有英语语系的评论
: 家,有着跟第一语言是华语的台湾读者有着相同解释。
: 在您给Gutmann先生的信件中,您对于255页的叙述“所有器官都是来自于法轮功”有特别
: 的疑虑。
: 这本书有透过三位专业读者同侪审查,且经Prometheus冗长的内部编辑过程,不仅包含文
: 字内容,更须检视作者的笔记、访谈的录音带以及电子沟通。
: 没有任何英语系的读者会将标题或是文字内容解读为,柯文哲可从类似私人“器官仲介”
: 交易的形式取得法轮功器官,只会解读为柯文哲医师是被告知资讯的。
: 迄今没有任何英语系读者曾经将柯文哲医师解读为器官仲介者。
: 迄今也没有任何英语系读者相信,柯文哲医师曾试图自行购买器官或是以任何形式参与营
: 利行为。相反地,多数读者赞扬柯医师对于调查的贡献。审查人员们均一致地如此回应,
: 就像是观众们在华盛顿特区National Endowment for Democracy中举办的The Slaughter
: 书本发表会的反应一样。
: 我们相信语言、翻译以及在台北市市长选举中激昂的政治环境,会导致大家误会作者的意
: 思并让事情变得更模糊。
: 然而我们将全力确保在中文版的The Slaughter会越准确越好。
: 总而言之,我们重申我们认为台湾媒体对于柯文哲医师以及Gutmann先生的对待是不公平
: 的。Gutmann先生相信且我们认为他的书所阐述的是,柯文哲医师的举止高尚,柯文哲医
: 师从来不曾执行器官仲介,他也从来不曾透过中国器官市场进行获利,且他对于揭露目前
: 仍在中国进行的医疗犯罪行为有着重大国际级的贡献,柯文哲医师的行为是令人骄傲的。
: =============================================================================
: Re: Your Letter to Mr. Gutmann on October
: Please excuse us for having exceeded by a few days the three week time period
: within which we had agreed to expand upon our earlier letter to you of
: November 4.
: We take Dr. Ko's concerns very seriously and we have reviewed the relevant
: pages in his book together with our own records of interviews and notes on
: which those pages were based.
: We have concluded that the entire misunderstanding and the reckless
: accusations which have appeared in the Taiwan media would appear to be based
: on language and cultural differences between the English in Mr. Gutmann's
: book, on the one hand, and the understanding of the relevant pages when the
: latter have been rendered into Chinese.
: We believe that all misunderstandings will be clarified in the Chinese
: edition of The Slaughter, which will contain a special preface not included
: in the English edition. This preface will address Dr. Ko's concerns directly.
: For greater clarity, we would like to point out that no English speaking
: reviewer of the book has understood page 255 in the way it has apparently
: been understood in Taiwan by readers whose first language is Chinese.
: In your letter to Mr. Gutmann, you specifically mentioned the caption on page
: 255 reading "All the Organs will come from Falun Gong" as a particular
: concern.
: This book was peer-reviewed by three expert readers and subjected to a
: lengthy internal editing process by Prometheus. This review included not only
: the text itself, but also the author's notes, interview tapes, and electronic
: communications.
: No English-speaking reader has understood the caption or the text to mean
: anything other than that Dr. Ko was being given information, rather than
: making a statement about the availability of Falun Gong organs in some sort
: of personal "organ broker" deal.
: No English-speaking reader to date has understood for one moment that Dr. Ko
: was acting as an "organ broker".
: No English-speaking reader to date believes that Dr. Ko was trying to
: purchase organs himself or was in any way involved in any sort of
: profit-making venture.
: On the contrary, most readers have praised Dr. Ko for his contribution to the
: investigation. Reviewers have responded similarly, as did the audience at the
: author's book launch at the National Endowment for Democracy in Washington DC.
: We believe that language, translation, and the heated environment of the
: political campaign for the mayoral race in Taipei may be playing a role in
: misconstruing the author's intentions and clouding the issue.
: Nonetheless we are interested in ensuring that the Chinese edition of The
: Slaughter is as accurate as possible.
: In conclusion, we reiterate that we think the Taiwan media has been unfair in
: its treatment of both Dr. Ko and Mr. Gutmann. Mr. Gutmann believes, and we
: think his book demonstrates, that Dr. Ko has acted honourably, that he has
: never been an organ broker, that he has never sought profit through China's
: organ marketing, and that he has contributed significantly to the
: international effort to expose the medical crimes which continue to be
: perpetrated in China.
: Yours Truly
: Clive Ansley
: =============================================================================
: 蝴蝶兰文创董事长吴祥辉先生,
: 你要卖书,结果卖书卖到输柯文哲,
: 你不爽,你忿忿,你妒恨,这我可以理解。
: 你想从负面行销杀出生路,
: 替你拿到的中文版权打广告,
: 所以消费一个正在争取连任的台北市长这我也能理解。
: 但是,请有格调一点好吗??
: 你的中文版将来会不会依照原作者要求,附上帮柯文哲澄清的序言我是不清楚,
: 我只知道很多柯黑都跟你一样装瞎子扮失忆扮得很开心,
: 装得好像四年前那场辩论会,
: 柯文哲在面对连胜文交叉结辩针对此假料的指控时,
: 从自己口袋中掏出这封作者律师代表作者提供的辟谣澄清信从来不曾发生一样。
: 非常地有脸。
: 很多柯黑很爱靠北柯文哲四年下来变了,已经不是四年前的柯文哲了。
: 但是变的,真得是柯文哲吗??
: 四年下来,柯文哲依然还是那个嗡来嗡去,
: 从创伤急救部一路嗡到松智路的柯文哲,不是吗??
: 我怎么看,变的都比较像是柯黑:
: 才短短四年时间,
: 他们已经变成四年前的罗淑蕾跟连胜文的形状了。
: 没想到我有生之年可以看到绿的为了黑柯,
: 回到未来重复连胜文四年前的抹黑,
: 超越时空爱上连D,
: 爱上这种千年一遇的抹黑不分蓝绿一家亲床头吵四年后床尾交合的大戏,
: 果然选举期,永远都是台湾最富有娱乐性的季节。
: 绿色国民党,
: 你们真的是好样的。

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