miq (nothing here)
2018-05-27 19:51:201.媒体来源:cnn
2.完整新闻标题:Starbucks: You don't need to buy anything to hang out
in our stores
顾客不需消费 一样可以待整天
Starbucks stores are now open to all — no purchase necessary.
The company informed US employees on Friday that people can gather in their
cafes and patios even if they don't buy drinks, and that store bathrooms are
available to everyone.
只要进入星巴克 一律视同顾客
"Any person who enters our spaces, including patios, cafes and restrooms,
regardless of whether they make a purchase, is considered a customer,"
Starbucks said in an email to employees.
政策改变 是因为上个月费城有两位黑人遭受到歧视
其中一位想使用洗手间 却被员工阻止说 只有消费顾客才可使用
而这两位黑人老兄接下来坐在店内没消费 经理就打电话叫警察啦
The policy change follows an uproar over the way two black men were treated
at a Starbucks in Philadelphia last month.
One of the men asked to use the bathroom, but an employee told him it was only
for paying customers. When the pair then sat in the store without ordering
anything, the manager called police, and the men were arrested for trespassing.
No charges were filed.
然后星巴克会在5/29 针对全美8000家店加强不种族歧视员工训练
Starbucks later apologized to the men and said it will close 8,000 US stores
on May 29 for racial bias training.
4.完整新闻连结 (或短网址):
不过这是美国 不知台湾是不是也有这政策
要是实施了 应该一堆用书占位的国高中生吧