[新闻] 川普:尚未就中兴与中国达成协议

楼主: takase (............)   2018-05-23 03:14:39
Trump: There's no deal with China on ZTE, and I'm not satisfied with
trade talks.
President Donald Trump said Tuesday that his administration has not yet
reached a deal with Beijing to save telecom company ZTE.
The president contradicted a Wall Street Journal report indicating the Trump
administration came to a tentative agreement with Beijing to revive the
massive phone maker currently sanctioned by the U.S. government. Under the
deal reported by the newspaper, ZTE would face financial penalties and have
to make management changes. China could also pull back on billions of dollars
in tariffs on U.S. agricultural products, according to the Journal.
Trump denied reports of an agreement, saying "there is no deal" and adding
that "we'll see what happens." However, he said moments later that he may
seek a fine of up to $1.3 billion and changes in management at ZTE — some of
the parameters of the reported deal.
"还没成交",川普说 "等著瞧"
过了一会,他又说 可能会对中兴处以13亿美元罚款与强制其更换管理层
"What I envision is a very large fine of more than a billion dollars, could
be [$1.3 billion]. I envision a new management, a new board and very, very
strict security rules. And I also envision that they will have to buy a big
percentage of their parts and equipment from American companies," Trump said.
Trump's remarks came as Moon Jae-in, the president of South Korea, visited
the White House for pivotal discussions ahead of the planned U.S.-North Korea
summit next month in Singapore. On Tuesday, Trump also said the meeting may
not happen.
谈话的同时,韩国总统文在寅 正因 川金会事宜访问白宫
The potential agreement on ZTE sparked bipartisan backlash on Capitol Hill,
as some lawmakers accused the president of caving to Chinese demands on trade
and potentially compromising U.S. national security. The Senate Banking
Committee overwhelmingly passed an amendment Tuesday limiting his ability to
remove sanctions on Chinese telecommunications companies. The panel approved
the measure introduced by Sen. Chris Van Hollen, D-Md., by a 23 to 2 vote in
a rebuke to Trump.
Trump added Tuesday that he is "not satisfied" with trade talks with China
that took place in Washington last week. He called the negotiations a "start"
as his administration keeps working toward a final deal to address trade
imbalances with Beijing.
川普补充:他对之前美中会谈的结果并不满意,称这次交涉只是 "刚开始"
"We have a long way to go," the president said, adding he wants the talks to
go "fairly quickly."
"还有得谈" 总统接着说 他希望谈判能快一些
The Trump administration previously barred U.S. companies from selling to ZTE
due to the company's violation of American sanctions on North Korea and Iran.
The Chinese firm has said the move threatened its survival.
Trump previously directed his Commerce Department to consider how it could
help ZTE get back into business. On Tuesday, he reiterated that he decided to
try to help the firm after Chinese President Xi Jinping "asked me to look
into it."
川普后来又指示商务部研拟 怎样才能让中兴起死回生,
He also argued he did so because the inability to sell to ZTE is "really
hurting American companies."
他又争辩:这么做是因为全面制裁中兴 也会让美国公司的利益受损
The U.S. is currently negotiating with China the framework of a deal to
potentially avoid tariffs levied by the world's two largest economies. Trump
also hopes to spur China's buying of billions more in U.S. goods.
While Trump's top advisors have repeatedly said action on ZTE is an
"enforcement" issue under the Commerce Department, the president has publicly
said it is part of larger trade talks with Beijing.
虽然川普的高级顾问多次表示 制裁中兴是商务部辖下的执法问题,
4.完整新闻连结 (或短网址):
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作者: wolffast   2018-05-23 04:35:00
感觉 川普和国会在玩黑白脸吗. 当然还是中国或成最大
作者: soyghcg (仙女抚我顶 结发受长生)   2018-05-23 05:05:00
中兴对党又没大到不能倒 能顺手拉就拉有救到算赚到 中兴本来就不是因为贸易战才被制裁
作者: p72910 (总是有刁民想害朕)   2018-05-23 07:44:00

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