Re: [新闻] 美乡民叹:台湾孩子对世界很无知

楼主: nawabonga (vista不到三年就玩完)   2018-03-30 11:51:09
※ 引述《dream8288 ()》之铭言:
: 孙安佐玩笑开过头 美乡民叹:台湾孩子对世界很无知
: 艺人狄莺和孙鹏的独子孙安佐(An Tso Sun)留学美国唸书,因扬言 5 月 1 日要攻击其
: 就读的高中,遭到美国宾州上达比(Upper Darby)警方逮捕。消息一出立刻登上美国各
: 大新闻版面,同时在全美最大网络论坛 Reddit“台湾版”掀起热烈讨论,有网友质疑孙
: 安佐的行为可能是“想要吸引父母关注”,也有网友严正指出“台湾孩子对这个世界很无
: 知”。
Majiwaki45: Stupid fucking kid.
Sad in a way though; I wonder how he got that way?
mr-wiener : His mum..(真直接)
kryptos99 : He was starved for attention from his parents.
I wonder if he's got their attention now.
mr-wiener : From the photos I'd say an Oedipus complex.(挖,这个骂的真毒)
darthexpulse :Ummm... no. You have no idea what mommy's boy means in Asia.
mr-wiener: Check some of the photos of he and his mum and draw your own
conclusions.. I honestly thought they were photos of him and his
GF at first... Not a little creepy.
whatis90s: Looks like a complete idiot with a privileged background. Best to
toss him in a Federal-pound-you-in-the-ass prison......
BreAKersc2:You can purchase fire-arms on the Chinese black market. When I was
in university, my best friend from Beijing, his dad is an important
architect that helped to build the olympic village. He said his dad
was taken to some "boony" areas in China where he was issued a
pistol for his own protection.

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