※ 引述《thnlkj0665 (灰色地带)》之铭言:
: Walmart to raise its starting wage to $11, give some employees bonuses
: following tax bill passage
: Walmart to raise its starting wage to $11, give some employees bonuses
: following tax bill passage
: Walmart will be increasing its starting wage rate for hourly employees in the
: U.S. to $11, following the passage of new tax legislation.
: The company said it will also expand maternity and parental leave benefits,
: and provide a one-time cash bonus for eligible employees of as much as $1,000.
: Walmart said it's still accessing other "potential additional investments"
: that could come after the new tax laws.
: 随着新的税改法案通过,可望减低企业的租税负担
: 然而,美国沃尔玛公司已经决定要把员工的起始时薪增加为11块美金
: 除了将会扩大产假以及育婴假的相关福利之外
: 并且打算提供一次性的奖金给符合资格的员工,金额达到一千元美金
: 接下来公司也可能会再进行其他的投资
: https://goo.gl/49kfYQ
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