所以各种大量添加磷酸盐的欧式肉类制品 特别是香肠类产品
很有可能只是让产业洗牌而已 大家还是继续吃磷酸盐
老实说蛮可笑的 连很多欧洲人自己都觉得可笑
※ 引述《NKUHT (天大地大)》之铭言:
: 1.媒体来源:
: the guardian 卫报
: 2.完整新闻标题:
: For pitta's sake: EU kebab meat move could make doner a goner
: 欧洲对沙威玛的政策走向恐使沙威玛产业消失
: 3.完整新闻内文:
: It’s the news that none of Europe’s late-night revellers want to hear: the e
: nd of the doner kebab could be nigh.
: 这是一则任何喜欢享受夜生活的欧洲居民都不想知道的消息:沙威玛产业可能濒临灭绝。
: A move by the European parliament to ban the phosphates necessary to keep seas
: oned kebab meat moist and flavoursome, even after the most arduous periods on
: a spit, is said to pose a direct threat to the future of the high street delic
: acy.
: 欧盟议会欲禁止可以让沙威玛保持美味多汁的添加物-磷酸盐,这项举动对沙威玛这个街
: 头小吃造成了直接的威胁。
: An estimated 1.3m doner kebabs are sold every day in the UK from more than 20,
: 000 outlets. The Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn, was even guest of honour last y
: ear at the British kebab awards. Across the whole of Europe, some 200,000 peop
: le work in the industry.
: 英国每天从超过两万间的店面销售出约130万的沙威玛,工党的领袖Jeremy Corbyn甚至还
: 是去年英国沙威玛年度大奖颁奖大会的荣誉嘉宾。大概有20万人在欧洲投身于沙威玛产业
: 。
: In Germany, where the doner kebab is by far and away the most popular fast foo
: d, consternation at the development has prompted some apocalyptic visions.
: 沙威玛目前在德国是最受欢迎的速食,欧盟议会的这项举动已经使部分人士如临世界末日
: 。
: “If the European parliament gets its way, this would be the death sentence fo
: r the entire doner kebab industry in the European Union,” said Kenan Koyuncu
: of the German association of doner kebab producers.
: “如果欧盟议会真的通过了这条政策,那等于是宣判了整个欧盟沙威玛产业的死刑。”德
: 国沙威玛协会的Kenan Koyuncu表示。
: Renate Sommer, a member of the German chancellor, Angela Merkel’s Christian D
: emocrat party in the European parliament, wrote on Facebook that “a ban of th
: e phosphate addition would be the end of doner production and would lead to th
: e loss of thousands of jobs”.
: 身为德国的内阁成员之一的Renate Sommer在脸书上发文表示:“禁止磷酸盐添加物的政
: 策将代表沙威玛产业走向终结,还可能导致数千人失业”。
: A scientific review in 2012 suggested a possible link between phosphates, when
: used as food additives, and heart disease, although the evidence remains inco
: nclusive.
: 一则在2012年发表的科学研究暗示心脏病可能会跟磷酸盐这种食物添加物有关联,不过还
: 没有明显确凿的数据能证明。
: EU rules normally prohibit the use of phosphate additives in meat preparation,
: where they are used to protect flavour and retain water, but there are except
: ions, and the law is currently silent on their use in frozen kebab meat.
: 磷酸盐这种添加物可用来保持食物的味道和水分,欧盟是规定禁止使用的,但沙威玛是个
: 例外,法律目前对于禁止使用磷酸盐添加物在冷冻沙威玛里没有明确规范。
: The European parliament’s health committee this week voted down a proposal fr
: om the European commission that would have allowed the use of phosphoric acid,
: phosphates and polyphosphates in kebab meat made of mutton, lamb, veal, beef
: or poultry.
: 欧盟议会的健康委员会这个星期针对允许在由羊肉、小牛肉、牛肉和家禽所做成的沙威玛
: 当中加入磷酸、磷酸盐、多磷酸盐这三种添加物投出否定票。
: The full European parliament is now due to vote on the issue when it sits in S
: trasbourg in two weeks time. If it is rejected by the parliament, that would s
: end the proposal back to the commission, leaving the future of the doner in li
: mbo.
: 而欧盟议会会在两个礼拜内在Strasbourg进行总投票,如果议会否决,那么这项提议将被
: 退回委员会,沙威玛产业的未来走向将悬而未决。
: The European parliament’s Socialist and Democrats (S&D) and Greens/European F
: ree Alliance groups have drafted a resolution to veto a proposal to authorise
: the use of phosphates in “frozen vertical spit meat” because they argue that
: there is no proven technological need.
: 欧盟议会里的欧洲社民联、绿党欧洲自由联盟已经起草了一项否决允许在冷冻的垂直肉块
: 中加入磷酸盐的决议,因为他们认为不需要什么证实过的科技需求。
: But Baris Donmez, the owner of a 24-hour kebab shop in Berlin’s Mitte distric
: t told the Associated Press that he believed the doner’s popularity would shi
: eld it from a ban.
: 拥有一间位于柏林24小时营业的沙威玛店老板Baris Donmez告诉协会,以沙威玛受欢迎的
: 程度,是不会被禁止添加那些东西的。
: “Germans love doner,” he said. “Nobody’s going to take away it away from t
: hem.”
: 德国人爱沙威玛,任何人都不能把沙威玛从他们身边夺走。
: 4.完整新闻连结 (或短网址):
: https://goo.gl/CThK3h
: 5.备注:
: 翻得不好,请见谅。