Re: [新闻] 伊隆.穆斯克想创办善良机械改造人的制造

楼主: orze04 (orz)   2017-09-04 23:30:35
Tesla 电动车 自驾车
SpaceX 回收火箭(终极目标是殖民火星)
SolatCity 全美最大太阳能发电公司,现在在帮澳洲盖超大的电池城镇
Hyperloop 比磁浮还快的超级高铁 最高时速1000公里
Neuralink 本篇
※ 引述《ed78617 (鸡爪)》之铭言:
: 1.媒体来源:
: 自由
: 2.完整新闻标题:
: 《中英对照读新闻》Elon Musk Wants to Launch Manufacturer of Nice Cyborgs
: 伊隆.穆斯克想创办善良机械改造人的制造公司
: 3.完整新闻内文:
: Tesla CEO Elon Musk is sponsoring a new start-up named Neuralink Corporation,
: which has already raised the first $27 million of its $100 million goal to
: create a system that will implant electrodes in human brains to upload and
: download thoughts and information to computers.
: 特斯拉执行长伊隆.穆斯克正在为一间名为“神经连结有限公司”的新创公司筹资,目标
: 1亿美元,已率先募得2700万美元,用以创建能植入人脑的块状电极系统,从电脑上传和
: 下载思想及资讯。
: The website states that the San Francisco-based company is “
: developing ultra high bandwidth brain-machine interfaces to connect humans
: and computers,” and is “looking for exceptional engineers and scientists”
: with talent and drive that will mostly come from outside of the neurosciences.
: “神经连结”公司的网站显示,这间位于旧金山的公司“发展超高频宽的大脑机器连接器
: ,连结人脑和电脑”,该公司“正在寻找优秀的工程师和科学家”,(这些人才)需具备
: 天资和热情,估计大部分将来自神经科学以外的领域。
: Nuralink Corporation claims its goal is to enhance human lives, but that was
: also the stated goal of the fictional Skynet Corporation's cyborg engineers
: when they designed the prototype T-1000 liquid mimetic poly-alloy metal
: android in the Terminator series.
: “神经连结有限公司”声称其目标是提升人生,但那也是“魔鬼终结者”系列影片中,虚
: 构的“天网公司”机械改造人工程师设计“T-1000”液态拟态聚合金金属机器人原型时所
: 宣称的目标。
: The 1991 fantasy T-1000 supposedly mimicked how the human brain works through
: the use of artificial neural networks, using "deep learning" that allowed
: the machine to generate its own strategies and actions without changing the
: underlying coding.
: 1991年虚构的“T-1000”,据称借由使用人造神经元网络及“深度学习”,仿效人类大脑
: 的运作方式,让机器人不必透过改变基础的程式码,便能发展出自己的策略和行动。
: 新闻辞典
: cyborg:名词,赛博格、机械改造人、生化人。例句:Musk is trying to launch a
: manufacturer of nice cyborgs that do not become Terminators.(穆斯克正试着创办
: 一间善良机械改造人的制造公司,不让机械改造人成为魔鬼终结者。)
: mimetic:形容词,拟态的、模仿的。例句:Onomatopoeia and mimetic words are a
: striking feature of japanese vocabulary.(拟声词和拟态词是日语词汇中显著的特征
: 。)
: underlying:形容词,基础的、潜在的。例句:I sensed an underlying air of
: menace in his appeal.(我感觉到他的诉求暗藏威胁。)
: 4.完整新闻连结 (或短网址):
: 5.备注:
: Actually Neurallink was founded by Elon Musk and eight others in 2016, aiming
: to aims to make devices to treat serious brain diseases.
: It's a smart move.
作者: wyvernlee (wyvernlee)   2017-09-04 23:31:00

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