Re: [问卦] 文言文减量 哪篇一定要留?

楼主: stantheman (甜心宝贝)   2017-08-26 01:46:29
※ 引述《grant790110 (历史的过客)》之铭言:
: ※ 引述《AJAPPLE (不敢吃屎鲁蛇小妹)》之铭言:
: : 如果推行文言文减量政策
: : 再怎么减还是要留下精华
: : 有没有哪篇文言文必须要有的八卦?
: 出师表一定要留
: 至少前出师表一定要留
: 这是一个不世出的天才对一个扶不起的皇帝
: 所留下的句句忠言
: 虽然时代背景可能不太一样
: 但对于领导者来说 还是有许多可以参考的地方
: 因为就算领导者再傻 只要亲贤臣 远小人
: 一样可以让团体有声有色的继续下去
: 大概就是这样
所以以后大家读下面这篇文章就好 Ker Ker
Manifesto of Arming~ By JU GHEH Liang
Translated by stantheman
States Courtier Liang:
The late emperor passed away before accomplishing half of his feat. The wo
rld under the heaven is presently devided into three while Sichuan is sterile
and ravaged now, and this is truly the critical moment for our survival! The g
uarding courtiers never slack off in the palace, and the loyal officials are a
ll devoted to the battlefield. They contribute themselves to your imperial mej
esty in memory of the late emperor's exceptional grace to them. Therefore, you
r imperial majesty, you should open your ears and listen to them to glorify th
e late emperor's legacy of virtue as well as to enhance the morale of these lo
yal courtiers, and your majesty, you should not look down on yourself, neither
should you block their advises with distorted analogies. The palace and the o
ffice of prime minister stay in unity. There should not be any discriminations
among the rewardings to the virtuous and the punishment to mistake-makers. Bo
th the criminals and the virtuous should be dispatched to their due places for
the treatment which they deserve in order to highlight your equal and just go
vernance. Therefore, your imperial majesty, you should not favor anyone and di
fferentiate the laws within and without the palace. The high secretary and the
vice ministers, GUO Yo-Chi, FEI Yi and DONG Yun are all righteous and honest
with pure and loyal minds. They were all promoted by the late emperor to aid y
ou. I think every affair, whether important or trivial, in the palace could be
scrutinized by them before the execution, and then there will not be any erro
rs. General SHANG Chong is a virtuous person with plenty of military knowledge
. The late emperor praised him able during his probation. Thus everyone sugges
ted that he become the marshal. I think you could entrust him to manage everyt
hing in the army and he must be capable of consolidating all soldiers and arra
nging a due post for each one. Getting long with the wise and virtuous courtie
rs and leaving away the vile and pleasing people, that was how the West Han Dy
nasty rose. Staying along with latter and leaving away the former, that was wh
y the East Han Dynasty fell. Whenever the late emperor talked about this past
story with me, he always repented of what Emperor Hwan and Emperor Ling had do
ne. The ministers, vice ministers, administrators and staff are all loyal and
virtuous courtiers. I wish that you could believe and trust them, and the impe
rial family of Han will rise again in the near future.
As merely a common farmer cultivating alone in Nan-Yang, my humble wish wa
s to survive in such a chaotic world without being known to any princes. The l
ate emperor did not mind of my modest background and degraded himself to visit
my shabby hut three times in person to ask me the situation under the heaven.
I was so grateful to him that I promised him to devote myself to him for all
my life to return his grace. Later, since we were severely defeated and nearly
terminated twenty-one years ago, I have been assigned to the position of the
general military advisor. The former emperor knew that I am prudent, he hence
entrusted me the important missions before his last breath. Since the grand as
signment, for every day and night, in fear of tarnishing the late emperor's re
putation, I have been worried about whether I fulfill the mission which the la
te emperor entrusted me. In the fifth month of this year, we crossed the Lu Ri
ver and marched into the deep sterile field. At this moment the south is all p
acified, and the arms and soldiers are both fully recruited, it is time that I
, with all my endeavors, lead the troops northward to recover the Central Land
, expulse the vile villains, restore the Han Dynasty, and resettle in the anci
ent capital. This is all I could do to return the late emperor's grace and ful
fill the position you grant to me. When it comes to weighing the benefit again
st the loss and advising, Yo-Chi, Yi and Yun will take their responsibility. I
wish you could entrust me the mission of eliminating all the national rascals
. If I fail to achieve my mission, I am willing to take the punishment to cons
ole the soul of the late emperor. If Yo-Chi, Yi and Yun fail to well advice, t
hey should also be punished to display their errors. And your imperial majesty
, you should also contemplate for yourself and accept all good advices to foll
ow the edict the late emperor left to you. I could not be more grateful to you
r and the late emperor's favor. Now It is the moment to leave for the battlefi
eld, in front of this manifesto with tears on my face, I do not know what I ha
ve said.
作者: jhjhs33504 ( )   2016-08-26 01:46:00
作者: gluccvidog (尷尬了)   2016-08-26 01:46:00
麦帅痿子起到文啊 懂
作者: wang1b (唯i废文<3)   2017-08-26 01:47:00
嗯嗯 楼下翻译
作者: Hazukashiine (私は幸せです)   2017-08-26 01:47:00
ヽ(=^・ω・^=)丿 五楼翻成法文
作者: ywdec30 (Y)   2017-08-26 01:47:00
倒数第二个字跟第三个字中间没空格 不及格 滚
作者: james732 (好人超)   2017-08-26 01:47:00
This is a book
作者: SoLaYo (唏嘘)   2017-08-26 01:47:00
作者: hspnvzte (hhhh)   2017-08-26 01:48:00
作者: SoLaYo (唏嘘)   2017-08-26 01:49:00
想说眼花 我还数了二次
作者: raku (raku)   2017-08-26 01:52:00
作者: angelgirl13 (火锅少女13♥)   2017-08-26 01:53:00
作者: grant790110 (历史的过客)   2017-08-26 02:01:00
臣亮言 先帝创业未半而中道崩殂 今天下三分益州...臣本布衣躬耕南阳 不求闻世于诸候但求性命于乱世MD背错了今当远离 临表涕泣 不知所云

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