Re: [新闻] What's in a Name? For Taiwan, Prepari

楼主: speedup (speedup)   2017-08-16 21:23:19
该改的不改 不该改的都说这会期一定要过
一个智障领导的台湾 能期望牠改革奥委会
※ 引述《dearloser (Form Follows Function)》之铭言:
: 1.媒体来源:
: The New York Times
: 2.完整新闻标题:
: What’s in a Name? For Taiwan, Preparing for the Spotlight, a Lot
: 3.完整新闻内文:
: TAIPEI, Taiwan — Imagine if the United States were to hold a major
: international event, but one of the conditions was for it to call itself “
: British Washington.”
: 想像一下,美国要参加比赛,却只能以 英国华盛顿 的名子参加?!
: Something similar has confronted Taiwan, the self-ruled island that is
: officially known as the Republic of China, but that has long been compelled
: to compete in international sporting events as “Chinese Taipei.” In recent
: days, however, it has pushed back against an attempt to apply that label to
: its actual territory.
: 一个被称为中华民国的自治岛屿-台湾,就是这种状况,长期一直被压迫只能以
: Chinese Taipei 参赛,不过最近台湾也在尝试扭转为以实际领土为名.
: For athletes representing Taiwan in the Olympics or the Little League World
: Series, playing under the name “Chinese Taipei’’ rather than “Taiwan’’
: has been the price of participation since 1981, when Taiwan signed an
: agreement with the International Olympic Committee to resolve the issue of
: two different governments — the Communists on the Chinese mainland and the
: Kuomintang, or Nationalists, on Taiwan — each claiming to be the legitimate
: leader of China.
: 为了解决共产党与国民党都说自己是中国合法领导人的问题,台湾从1981年开始
: 向国际奥委会妥协,以后都只能以 Chinese Taipei 名义参赛.
: (一直打 Chinese Taipei 好累,后面以CT代替)
: The I.O.C. had suggested that the Republic of China could compete as Taiwan.
: But that was unacceptable to the Kuomintang, which, in the wake of its
: retreat to the island after its defeat by the Communists in 1949, insisted on
: retaining a connection to China in whatever name was used. These days,
: however, any change to the Chinese Taipei name in sports events is opposed by
: Beijing, which claims Taiwan as its territory and rejects any gesture that
: might suggest formal independence from China.
: 国际奥委会曾经建议,何不就以"台湾"名义参赛,可是国民党不接受,因为坚持名子里
: 要有 China,结果现在反而都是北京不准把CT的名子改掉,因其坚持反对任何形式的台独
: Now Taipei is preparing for one the biggest international events ever to be
: held there: the 29th Summer Universiade, a competition featuring more than
: 10,000 university athletes from around the world. The games begin on Saturday
: and will run through Aug. 30. Subway car floors have been decorated to
: resemble swimming pools and running tracks, Taiwan Beer has unveiled
: Universiade-theme bottles, and the event’s mascot — Bravo the Formosan
: black bear — adorns banners around the city.
: 现在台北要办有史以来最大的国际盛会-世大运了,有来自世界一万名大学运动员.
: But, last week, enthusiasm for the games wobbled when the Taipei government
: released the online version of the media guide for the Universiade, as edited
: by the International University Sports Federation, or FISU, which is based in
: Switzerland and organizes the event. Many people here felt that the guide had
: taken the erasure of Taiwan to a new level, with not just its delegation, but
: the island itself, referred to as “Chinese Taipei.’’
: 可是上礼拜呢,世界大学体育总会FISU发布世大运发布线上媒体指南,引起轩然大波,因为很多编辑手册的人,
: 以为CT不只是代表队的名子,而是这个岛就叫做 中华台北岛
: Some statements in the English-language guide met with particular ridicule,
: such as “Chinese Taipei is a special island and its capital Taipei is a
: great place to experience Taipei’s culture” and “Chinese Taipei is long
: and narrow that lies north to south.”
: 英语指南有些内容金87,像是"中华台北岛是个特别的岛,首都台北很适合体验台北文化"
: 以及"中华台北的地形是南北狭长"
: In a Facebook post, Taiwan People News said: “Chinese Taipei is a special ‘
: island’? Taipei is the capital of ‘Chinese Taipei’? Welcome everybody to ‘
: Taipei, Chinese Taipei!’ Holding a Universiade, do we have to go to such
: lengths? Do we have to belittle ourselves like this?”
: FB的PO文就被台湾人骂了,我们一定要这样贬低自己吗?
: One Facebook user, Yen Ji-yu, wrote: “Do we really want foreigners to see
: this kind of garbage?”
: "我们真的要让外国人看这种垃圾?"
: Taipei’s mayor, Ko Wen-je, who is also chairman of the Taipei Universiade’s
: organizing committee, told the local news media last week that the committee
: had written “Taiwan” in its version of those passages, but that FISU had
: ultimate authority over the text.
: 柯P跟当地媒体说,我们本来就是写台湾,是FISU自己改成CT岛的
: According to a statement subsequently released by the Taipei Universiade
: organizing committee, the committee revised FISU’s geographical references
: to restore “Taiwan” before delivering the file for printing. As of
: Wednesday, the printed guides had not been delivered, but in an updated
: electronic version most references to the island had been changed back to “
: Taiwan.”
: 台北世大运委员会后来发声名,会在印刷版改为 台湾
: FISU, when asked why it had inserted “Chinese Taipei” to refer to the
: island in the media guide, said in an emailed statement on Wednesday that it
: was trying to “achieve a coherent and easily understandable application of
: the rules established when the Chinese Taipei University Sports Federation
: was admitted to FISU in 1987, together with those of the I.O.C.’s Nagoya
: resolution” of 1981 that brought Taiwan into the Olympic fold.
: 当大家问FISU为什么你们要打成CT岛时,他们说这样大家比较认得
: “As a member of the Olympic Movement, FISU is generally bound by the
: resolution to refer to Taiwan as Chinese Taipei,” FISU said. But, it
: conceded, “the term Taiwan Island is clearly more appropriate in cases that
: refer to geography by itself.”
: FISU说,比照奥会规则,所以称之为CT,不过FISU也承认称这个岛为台湾岛的确比较合适
: Nevertheless, as of Wednesday, the FISA website retained references to the
: island as “Chinese Taipei.” Its introduction to the games read: “Located
: in the northern part of Chinese Taipei in the heart of the Asia-Pacific
: region, Taipei is a vibrant and strategically important economic and cultural
: center.”
: 不过呢,直到周三,FISU (此处好像被打错为FISA)的网站还是称这个岛为CT
: The wrangling over the island’s name was only the latest international
: slight for Taiwan. Other recent affronts include Panama severing diplomatic
: ties with Taiwan, China’s arrest of a rights activist from Taiwan on state
: subversion charges and the airline Emirates banning Taiwan flag pins on its
: flight attendants.
: 其实争取正名只是个小事,相比中国的其他打压是小巫见大巫
: Although this year’s Universiade will feature competitors from 141
: countries, China, which has made collecting medals in the Olympics and other
: competitions a national priority, will not be sending teams, although
: individual athletes will compete.
: 虽然今年世大运会有141国的竞争对手,中国则只参赛个人项目不参加团队竞赛.
: A Taiwan newspaper, United Daily News, quoted Taipei Mayor Ko as saying that
: China’s stated reason not to send teams was a scheduling conflict with its
: own National Games, which run Aug. 27 through Sept. 8 in the northeastern
: city of Tianjin.
: 柯P说,中国不参加团队项目是因为与天津的全国运动会撞期
: Mr. Ko said he could not speak on behalf of the Chinese government regarding
: its decision, but that was after suggesting that Beijing was concerned that
: spectators from Taiwan might become “too passionate.”
: 柯P说,北京可能是怕台湾民众太热情吧?
: Competition between China and Taiwan turned ugly last March at an
: international Under-18 hockey tournament in Taipei, when some fans from
: Taiwan jeered the Chinese team. Seconds after China beat Taiwan, 4-0, a
: Chinese hockey player appeared to skate deliberately into a player from
: Taiwan, setting off a brawl in which Chinese players brought out a Chinese
: flag and taunted the spectators, who hurled garbage and obscenities at them.
: 像去年的国际U-18冰球比赛,中国队就被台湾观众80.
: 4.完整新闻连结 (或短网址):
: 5.备注:
: 难得台湾上纽时,还是重要的国际称呼议题,还是补上全文,并简单翻译了~~
: 简单的说纽时第一段就点出盲肠:
: "能想像吗?美国要参加国际盛事,但条件是要以 英国华盛顿 的名字才能参加!?"
: 恩! 当然可以想像阿,遥远的东方,好多台湾人好爱中华台北~
作者: victoryman (圣立祐 彭马利哥)   2017-08-16 21:27:00
国际约不能乱签 要走回头路很难 如果被换名处罚
作者: erc (翔)   2017-08-16 21:27:00
大家要的他就不给阿 不然怎么骗选票
作者: victoryman (圣立祐 彭马利哥)   2017-08-16 21:28:00
作者: darkbrigher (暗行者)   2017-08-16 21:29:00

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