taxuan 2017-08-03 15:34:36al rocco去中国有嘻哈被刷下来
三个评委 吴亦凡 张震岳 潘玮柏 到底哪个比较废呢?
China representa Ima realest muthafucka
我是中国嘻哈的代表人物 我是最真实的那个
Only God can judge me and he know I bring the rucka
只有上帝可以评判我 他知道我为中国嘻哈带来了什么
They try to set me up I took an L last night
他们给我下套 昨晚我输掉了海选
Now I bounce right back it's about to be a sword fight
现在我做出反击 全副武装我变成一名剑士
Going back to 89 and Ima bring it back to raw
Flow 回到黄金年代 我戳烂你的痛处
Abouta murder you I prefer to use the sword
对于完爆你们 老子就是喜欢用剑让你一命呜呼
I do it for my peoples and I do it for the lord
But you do it for pussy and you do it for no cause
那你呢 做给哪些白痴看?
It's only the beginning and I’m only getting started
这只是个开始 我才刚刚开始发火
I'm only getting heated I'm bouta get retarded
你们成功把我惹火了 还在火上浇了把油
Hated by my kind but I never really thought it
That I'd be here again, gawd dang, here we go again
I know I lost the battle but I’m winning the war
我输了这次海选 但我却赢了这场战争
They try to stop me now but I'd be kicking the door
他们想阻止我 但我分分钟把门踹开
Like Lee Xiao Long and Ima kick your face to the floor
And Ima fuck your bitch while you tryna call on her phone
Now call your girl and tell her I’m serious
现在你就告诉她 alrocco这次是说认真的
You made the wrong muthafucka furious
你惹错人了 老子现在爆了
You wanna test me cause you a little curious
你想考验我的底线 因为你是个好奇小婊贝
Now lyrically Ima fucking kill you fucking period
我现在就用歌词完爆你 帮你画上一个句号
You made me do it, you really made me do it
我不想这样的 是你逼我的
You singing muthafucka man now you made me loose it
你个流行歌手 居然够胆把我淘汰了
Now tell me what you did for Hip-Hop you didn’t do shit
Cause you don’t know nothing bout real you don’t know shit
无知的人 根本对hiphop一无所知
We in different categories you ain't got no category
我们是不同范畴的人 因为你压根没有范畴
You a one hit wonder from the 90s with a love story
Gawd dang, you a pussy bitch you ain't on no level
God Damn 你就是婊子本人 你连level都没有
And I bet you that you sold your soul to the China devil
And they say they do it for that Hip-Hop
Then they dropped my boy Fever that ain't Hip-Hop
但他们淘汰了我兄弟blow fever你确定你是为了中国嘻哈?
Got the whole China saying y’all ain't Hip-Hop
AIQIYI man y’all ain't got no Hip-Hop
You little bitch.
And I heard you fucked a hoe
You did it for the pussy what you doing on this show
如果是为了女人的话 你也配上这个节目?
I got 24 on me they know I got that gold already
我的音乐24K金 大家都知道我已经有属于我自己的chain
I don’t need your chain Ima do it on my own
我才不要你的链子 现在开始这条路我只会靠我自己
And I heard you fucked a hoe
You did it for the pussy what you doing on this show
如果是为了女人的话 你也配上这个节目?
I got 24 on me they know I got that gold already
我的音乐24K金 大家都知道我已经有属于我自己的chain
I don’t need your chain Ima do it on my own
我才不要你的链子 现在开始这条路我只会靠我自己