Godfree Roberts Ed.D. Education & Geopolitics University of Massachusetts
Amherst (1973)
Answered 14h ago · Upvoted by Xinchun Li lives in China Gwydion Madawc
Williams and Michel McGill
Fortunately we know exactly what will happen if China encounters a serious
financial crisis because China has encountered many financial crises in the
past. Here’s a small sample of the crises she has encountered:
Godfree Roberts 麻州大学教育和地缘政治学院
1990. The Economist. China's economy has come to a halt.
1990. 《经济学人》 中国的经济将陷入停滞。
1996. The Economist. China's economy will face a hard landing
1996. 《经济学人》 中国的经济将面临硬着陆。
1998. The Economist: China's economy entering a dangerous period of sluggish
1998. 《经济学人》 中国的经济正进入滞涨危险期。
1999. Bank of Canada: Likelihood of a hard landing for the Chinese economy.
1999. 加拿大银行:中国经济可能硬着陆。
2000. Chicago Tribune: China currency move nails hard landing risk coffin.
2000. 芝加哥论坛报: 中国货币政策敲响硬着陆丧钟