华邮标题:In ‘milestone’ decision, Taiwan court rules in favor of same-sex m
(我猜华邮应该等下会改内文的country 科科)
BEIJING — A court in Taipei ruled in favor of allowing gay marriage on Wednes
day, paving the way for Taiwan to become the first country in Asia to legalize
same-sex unions and cementing its status as a beacon for LGBT rights.
Taiwan’s top court found that the country’s Civil Code, which states that on
ly a man and a woman can agree to marry, violated constitutional guarantees on
the right to marry and the right to equality. It gave the government two year
s to implement the ruling.
The decision is a victory for Taiwan’s gender and sexual minorities, who have
fought for decades for equal rights and marriage equality, inspiring similar
struggles across Asia and around the world.
Wayne Lin, Chairperson of Taiwan Tongzhi Hotline Association, an influential N
GO, called it a “milestone.”
独立报标题:Taiwan court rules in favour of same sex marriage in historic firs
t for an Asian country
Taiwan's constitutional court has ruled that same-sex couples have the right t
o legally marry, in the first such ruling to be handed down in an Asian countr
The court on Wednesday said the current civil code that does not permit same-s
ex marriages was a violation of two articles of the constitution of the Republ
ic of China, Taiwan's official name.
It says authorities must either enact or amend relevant laws within two years,
failing which same-sex couples could have their marriages recognised by submi
tting a document.
Both the ruling and major opposition parties support legalisation of same-sexm
arriage, as do a majority of the public and President Tsai Ing-wen.
Gays and lesbians in Taiwan have formed an effective lobby in recent years, wi
th an annual Gay Pride march drawing tens of thousands.