FB卦点说明:(正体中文 20 个字)
【 Chun Shui Tang(チュンスイタン)has used the Employment Discrimination to tre
at their hearing disable employee in Taiwan】
The hearing disable employee "Jean-xuan Lu" undergo the discrimination,so he g
ot the Dispatch unwilling. the reason of the dismissed by Teapatea(チュンスイ
タン's one of global brand in Taiwan) is the employee can't take the telephone
The employee had talken the situation of his hearing disable to his employer w
hile interview time. The employer had promised the thing of them. But the empl
oyer got the trouble with his human resources. (One of employee undergo a car
accident) he didn’t make the injured employee to take a break. He ordered the
hearing disable employee to take the telephone. The employer said”If you dos
en't get the order, you can't get the job.” They put the hearing disable empl
oyee in a difficult position.
The thing of Employment Discrimination had writen to the newspaper in Taiwan.
Getting the rage by the social media is a very worthly report. The Teapatea an
d the Chun Shui Tang(チュンスイタン) didin’t recognize the thing, they have d
iscriminate the disable. Japan has perfect welfare, and the human rights has f
ulfilled. The Anti-discrimination law in japan has protected their disable emp
loyee, but Taiwan don't have it.
We need the Japanese social concern on it! Criticizing the Chun Shui Tang(チュ
ンスイタン) is a necessary issue to get the social justice!
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