Trump Gets Two Scoops of Ice Cream, Everyone else Gets One
President Donald Trump is living every child's dream: More ice cream.
According to an extensive interview with TIME Magazine, Trump's White House st
aff has settled into Trump's routine and know his desires, sometimes before he
For example: Trump takes two scoops of ice cream with his chocolate creampie,
TIME reported, while everyone else around the table gets just one.
In the interview published Thursday, Trump also expanded on his view of Russia
n hacking during the 2016 election, refuted reports that he is unhappy with hi
s current national security adviser and took a level of blame for his combativ
e administration.
But, more than anything, Trump gave TIME a window into some of the oddities th
at make his White House unlike any in modern history, including the traits tha
t make Trump tick.
Here are some illuminating takeaways from the interview:
Business at any cost
Trump casts himself throughout the interview as America's businessman, someone
who is bringing his private-sector savvy to the White House to spur growth an
d create jobs. That focus extends to faulty digital launching systems on aircr
aft carriers