a3489658 (一入宅门深似海)
2017-04-23 14:36:58※ 引述《fffffff4 (使用者在线上)》之铭言:
: 1.媒体来源:
: Fox News
: 2.完整新闻标题:
: 穆斯林强烈抗议Amazon未设置祈祷室
: Outraged Muslims to Rally Against Amazon Over Alleged Lack of Prayer Rooms
: 3.完整新闻内文:
: Outraged Muslims are reportedly planning a May 1 demonstrationat the Amazon he
: adquarters in Seattle, Washington.
: 许多对Amazon不满的穆斯林预计在五月一号集结西雅图,向公司总部抗议。
: The company is under fire after several Muslim security guards demanded time a
: nd space to pray five times a day, while on the job.
: nd space to pray five times a day, while on the job.
: 公司受到批评,原因乃时旗下所雇用的的穆斯林警卫要求在每日上班时能够拨空五次祈祷
: ,并设置专用祷告室。
: The guardscontend in a lawsuit filed this weekthat the subcontractor who emplo
: ys themdoes not appropriately accommodate their faithand retaliates against th
: ose who speak out.
: 上述警卫本周向法院提出告诉,指控雇主不尊重他们的信仰,甚至对提出建言的人采取报
: 复。
: The Service Employees International Union and the guards allege that Amazon gr
: antshigh-earning tech workers conference rooms to pray in, but they do not pro
: vide the same accommodation forcontracted security officersduring their law-ma
: ndated work breaks.
: 国际服务业工会以及警卫都指出,Amazon让高层技术人员用会议室祈祷,但约聘的警卫却
: 无此待遇,此举俨然违法。
: Amazon and the security contractor have refuted the allegations.
: Amazon公司已严正澄清所有指控。
: Earlier this year, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos said the e-commerce giant is working
: with lawmakers and state officials to explore legal options tocounter Presiden
: with lawmakers and state officials to explore legal options tocounter Presiden
: t Trump's executive order on immigration.
: Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos前几个月才说公司正和议员、官员合作,以合法方式对抗川普总
: 统的反移民政策。
: 连结:https://tinyurl.com/k5z59cq
大一点的船上 穆斯林有专用的厨房
因为他们不吃猪肉 也不吃有血的料理