wasijohn (咖咩哈咩哈)
2017-04-16 02:51:40我一直觉得
ok 我承认初期还是有不错的东西出来
※ 引述《denru01 (阿儒)》之铭言:
: Vago的争议还没平息,
: 几年前曾经掀起一番热潮的GoKey,
: 在拖了两年多后,
: 终于在刚刚收到创办人寄来的信,
: 说钱烧完了,
: 他要申请破产,
: 所以无法出货.
: 其实看他们的态度就已经知道九成是被骗的节奏,
: 可恶的是他们应该早就知道撑不下去(或是本来就不打算撑下去),
: 还在几个月前发问卷来给大家加购或是付运费,
: 好在那时已经看透这间公司,
: 没有加购.
: 两个星期前还写信来说终于可以出货啦,
: 两个星期内会收到最后的确认问卷,
: 结果就是收到了以下这封信.
: 各位要投资这种众筹的还是多注意一些好,
: 毕竟这也不是预购,
: 他是"众筹",
: 付钱等超久还拿不到货的可能是很高的,
: 我当初付款时就明白这件事,
: 所以现在没拿到倒也没有太惊讶,
: 只是这间公司后期明显不诚实,
: 就不太能让人接受了.
: posted by Doros K
: Apr 14, 2017 ‧ 11:26PM PDT
: Dear Backers:
: I sincerely regret to inform you that GoKey lacks the funds to complete the
: delivery of a viable product. We ran into technical difficulties that we
: could not resolve. There are no funds left to cover claims of suppliers and
: others or to offer refunds. I have been exploring all avenues to raise
: additional funds so that we could complete and deliver the product, but we
: have been unsuccessful.
: I honestly fought with all I had to do good at the end. Tried so hard to
: raise a round or form a partnership to deliver. And there have been times
: where a deal was looking 100% certain. But the age of the product, the
: liability and the negative cloud hanging over it always prevailed.
: I am left with no alternative but to completely cease and shut down all
: operations and activities and consider filling for bankruptcy.
: I feel terribly shameful for letting you down.
: I am sorry,
: Doros