Re: [新闻] 索马里海盗无赎金释出油轮

楼主: F0314   2017-03-17 18:42:11
不能拒绝的提议 这句话意思是
你只能同意 不然你整个家族以及组织都死定了
※ 引述《i329 (杀刀猪)》之铭言:
: [BBC]Somalia ship hijack: Pirates release vessel without ransom
: 索马里船只劫持事件:海盗在没有得到赎金的情况下释放船只
: 16 March 2017 From the section Africa
: Somali pirates who hijacked an oil tanker have released it without condition,
: according to officials.
: 根据官方的说法,劫持一艘油轮的索马里海盗没有条件地释放它。
: The announcement came hours after the pirates and naval forces exchanged
: gunfire over a boat believed to be carrying supplies to the hijackers.
: 该声明是在海盗和海军在一艘据信为劫持者运载物资的船只上交火的几小时后发出。
: The tanker, which was en route from Djibouti to the Somali capital,
: Mogadishu, was seized on Monday with eight Sri Lankan crew members on board.
: 这艘从吉布提出发到索马里首都摩加迪沙的船只在星期一被捕,船上有8名斯里兰卡船
: 员。
: It is the first hijack off Somalia's coast since 2012.
: 这是自2012年以来首次劫持的邻近索马里海岸的劫持事件。
: Abdirahman Mohamud Hassan, the director general of the Puntland maritime
: police force, said: "There has been discussion going on after the gunfight
: this afternoon... We took our forces back and thus the pirates went away."
: 邦特兰海上警察部队总司令Abdirahman Mohamud Hassan说:"今天下午枪战之后有一些
: 讨论...我们把我们的部队撤回,因此海盗走了。"
: The Sri Lankan foreign ministry said the crew members were released
: "unharmed, without the payment of a ransom".
: 斯里兰卡外交部说,被释放的船员们"在没有支付赎金的情况下,并没有受伤"。
: A pirate confirmed the release was made without a ransom payment, according
: to Reuters.
: 根据路透社的消息,一名海盗证实,并没有赎金支付。
: ※路透社可以找到海盗证实好像蛮厉害的XD
: However, John Steed, a former British army officer who has spent years
: negotiating the release of piracy hostages in Somalia, told the AFP news
: agency they had been made an offer they could not refuse.
: 然而,一名前英国军官John Steed已经花了好几年跟对方谈判关于释放在索马里的人质
: ,他告诉法新社他们提供了一个对方不能拒绝的提议。
: Mr Hassan earlier said that "pirates" on board the tanker had opened fire on
: Thursday after authorities tried to intercept a boat believed to be carrying
: essential supplies, such as food.
: Hassan先生稍早说,星期四时在当局试着拦截一艘据信载着食物等必要用品后,这些"海盗
: "在油轮上开火。
: Four people were wounded in the exchange of fire on Thursday, the BBC has
: learned.
: 据BBC了解,四个人在周四交火时受伤。
: The Puntland authorities deployed local forces in the area in an attempt to
: assist rescue efforts for the hostages on board the vessel, the district
: commissioner said.
: 地区专员说,邦特兰当局在该地区部署了地方部队,试图协助船上人质的救援工作。
: The vessel was carrying oil and was owned by the United Arab Emirates (UAE),
: despite conflicting reports over the flag it was sailing under, he added.
: 该船正在运载石油,并由阿拉伯联合酋长国拥有,尽管有关它正在航行旗帜的报告并不一
: 致。
: On Wednesday, the European Union anti-piracy naval force, which is helping to
: tackle piracy in the region, said the hijackers had been demanding a ransom.
: 在周三,持续在帮助解决这个地区海盗问题的欧盟反海盗力量,说劫持者一直在要求赎金。
: Authorities were then still trying to determine whether the gunmen, who have
: not given any details about the size of the ransom, were organised pirates or
: fishermen whose equipment was destroyed by illegal fishing vessels, as they
: had claimed to be.
: 当局当时仍在场试着确定,没有给定赎金大小的挟持者,是有组织海盗,或是他们自己所
: 宣称的,是遭到非法渔船破坏设备的的渔民。
: The EU force earlier made contact with the ship's master, who said his vessel
: and crew were being held captive anchored off the coast of north-east
: Somalia. The ship's tracking system has reportedly been switched off.
: 欧盟部队稍早与船长联系,船长表示他的船和船员被扣在索马里东北部海岸附近。而船的
: 追踪系统已关闭。
: Piracy off the coast of Somalia, usually for ransom, has reduced
: significantly in recent years, in part because of extensive international
: military patrols as well as support for local fishing communities.
: 通常要求赎金的索马里沿岸的海盗,近年已经显著地减少,一部分的原因是广泛的国际
: 军队巡逻,另一部分则是支援当地的渔业社区。
: ※部分索马里海盗原为渔民 在渔获减少的情况下转为海盗
: At the height of the crisis in 2011, there were 237 attacks and the annual
: cost of piracy was estimated to be up to $8bn (£7bn).
: 在2011年危机高峰期,共有237起攻击,每年海盗成本估计高达80亿美元(70亿英镑)。
: However, some smaller fishing vessels have recently been seized in the area.
: 然而,最近在该地区缉获了一些较小的渔船。
: In 2015, Somali officials warned that piracy could return unless the
: international community helped create jobs and security ashore, as well as
: combating illegal fishing at sea.
: 2015年,索马里官员警告说,除非国际社会帮助沿岸社区岸创造就业和安全,以及打击
: 海上非法捕鱼,否则海盗行为可能会回归。
: Some Somali fishermen turned to piracy after their livelihoods were destroyed
: by illegal fishing from foreign trawlers, which benefited from the lack of a
: functioning coastguard in the country following years of conflict.
: 一些索马里渔民在他们的生计被来自外国拖网渔船的非法捕捞破坏后转向海盗行为,这
: 些渔船因海岸警卫队缺乏有效的功能,从而多年后引发冲突。
作者: i329 (杀刀猪)   2017-03-17 18:43:00
作者: ohmylove347 (米特巴爾)   2017-03-17 18:46:00
作者: hsiehhsing (海谐会会员)   2017-03-17 18:48:00
作者: tsairay (火の红宝石)   2017-03-17 18:50:00
作者: reaturn (廿年后回头看台湾)   2017-03-17 18:57:00

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