geordie (Geordie)
2017-02-28 11:35:07Oral History Interview with
George M. Elsey
HESS: Now this folder is "Truman-MacArthur-Matthews Statements August 1950,"
and this was the speech that Mr. Truman made on September 1, 1950 and on the
top of the draft it says: "On Matthews see page 5. On MacArthur see page 5."
So, on page five, about MacArthur it mentions,
"Fifth: We do not want Formosa or any part of Asia for ourselves."
This was something that I believe that
MacArthur gave the President a good deal of trouble about.
ELSEY: Right. And I have marked here on the carbon, "Reply to MacArthur."
MacArthur had been making statements about Formosa, other parts of Asia,
and this was the President'seffort to make it very clear that
this was not United States Government,policy,
Secretary of the Navy, and a little farther down on that page there's
the longhand annotation "Reply to Secretary Matthews." Of course, this was
not publicly identified by Truman as being a reply to MacArthur or to
[Francis P.] Matthews but it was. Secretary Matthews had spoken about the
possibility of preventive war, he had talked about the atom bomb, and Truman
was making it very clear here that that was not government policy. He was
disowning the Secretary of the Navy.