ckTHU (XD)
2017-02-22 16:30:04FB卦点说明:加拿大的首都 Ottawa 沃太华,是多方考量妥协下的结果
§在 1857 年 12 月 31 日被选为加拿大首都的伐木小镇
维多利亚女王被要求选择一个首都,给当时由 Quebec(魁北克)与 Ontario(安大略)
就在 Toronto(多伦多)与 Montreal(蒙特娄)之间。
另一个故事则是他选择了 Ottawa(沃太华),因为喜欢当地的风景画。
当时的 Ottawa(沃太华)只不过是偏远的伐木小镇,而那些争夺成为首都
的 Toronto(多伦多)、 Montreal(蒙特娄)、 Quebec(魁北克),无疑地
那些听起来最像理由的理由,其中一个特别强而有力,正是 Ottawa(沃太华)
既不是 Toronto(多伦多)也不是 Montreal(蒙特娄),更不是 Quebec(魁北克)。
两大人口殖民地边界上的移居地,这使得 Ottawa(沃太华)成为有用的妥协,
1812 年的战争显示了加拿大主要城市面对美国人的攻击是多么脆弱不堪。
(1812 年美国与英国之间的第二次独立战争,美军曾进犯加拿大)
一个美国报纸甚至在时事评论中讽刺 Ottawa(沃太华)面对攻击当然是安全地,
最初,Ottawa(沃太华)是 Ottawa 印地安人的领地,同时也是属于 Algonquin 语系
的一部分,成为首都的故事起源于 1826 年陆军上校 John By 抵达了此地,
,而这个定居点逐步扩大,在他之后被命名了 Bytown,
城市的 Lower Town(下城区),是一个充满活力、喧闹的棚寮市镇,
运河另一边更加优美的 Upper Town(上城区)主要吸引了来自英国和苏格兰的新教徒
该镇在 1855 年更名为 Ottawa(沃太华),人口在 1863 年达到 14000,
在运河西边秀丽的议会大厦在 1865 年启用。
当加拿大的主权 1867 年被承认,Ottawa(沃太华)成为整个加拿大的首都,
且现在是加拿大全国第 4 大城市。原文引用自 History Today
§The small logging town was chosen as the country's new capital
on December 31st, 1857
Queen Victoria herself was asked to choose a capital for the province
of Canada, which at that time consisted of the two colonies of Quebec
and Ontario, and there’s a story that she simply stuck a hatpin into
a map, between Toronto and Montreal. Another story has her choosing
Ottawa because she had liked landscape paintings of the area. At the
time Ottawa was no more than a small logging town in the backwoods
and certainly the choice seemed arbitrary to many Canadians at the
time, as Toronto, Montreal and Quebec had all been vying to be chosen,
but there were sound reasons for it. The strongest one was precisely
that Ottawa was not Toronto or Montreal or Quebec.
On the contrary, it was the only settlement of any size on the border
between the two colonies and their respective mainly French and
British populations, which made it a useful compromise that did
not obviously favour either of them. Ottawa was also well away from
the border with the United States of America, and the War of 1812 had
shown how vulnerable the principal Canadian cities were to American
attack. An American newspaper of the time sarcastically remarked that
Ottawa was safe from attack because any invader would get lost in the
woods trying to find it.
Originally in the territory of the Ottawa Indians, who were part of
the Algonquin language group, the future capital’s story began when
Colonel John By arrived in 1826 in command of a detachment of the
Royal Engineers to construct the Rideau Canal to Lake Ontario. He
built himself a house and headquarters near the north end of the
canal, where there were already two or three log cabins, and a
settlement grew up, which was named Bytown after him. It flourished
on the timber trade and the area on the canal’s east side, Lower
Town, was a lively, violent shanty town amply supplied with brothels,
taverns and gambling joints, and inhabited largely by Irish and French
labourers, who were Roman Catholics. The more salubrious Upper Town on
the other side of the canal mainly attracted English and Scottish
The town was renamed Ottawa in 1855, the population had reached 14,000
by 1863 and the handsome parliament buildings on the west side of the
canal were opened in 1865. When the Dominion of Canada was established
in 1867, Ottawa became the capital of all Canada, and it is now the
country’s fourth largest city.
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