gghh (GH)
2017-02-03 11:02:16关于第二起事件的补充:
NBC news:
Black lives matter, only?
※ 引述《twowugs (Il y a deux wugs.)》之铭言:
: 2017/2/2
: UPDATE [2-2-17 4:50 p.m. PST]: The attacker has been identified as 27-year-old Los Angeles resident Patty Garcia who, on Feb. 1 at 2:40 p.m., assaulted the 83-year-old victim (whose name was not released) at the corner of 3rd and Western in downtown L.A. Garcia is now being held on $50,000 bail for felony battery (Booking# 4897282) according to Officer Drake Madison of the LAPD Media Relations.
: Officer Madison also made it clear that the case is currently not being investigated as a hate crime and any details surrounding the attacker yelling “white power” after hitting the victim are not included in the current official report and may still be subject to the ongoing investigation into the incident.
: The Asian community is up in arms after one woman posted a photo of an elderly Korean woman on the street next to a splatter of blood who was allegedly, for no apparent reason, hit in the head by a Caucasian woman who screamed “white power” and attempted to run off.
: In a lengthy post on Facebook (that has since been removed), a user identified as Linda Lee criticized the U.S. President (without using the name Trump) for encouraging a culture of “hatred and negativity” in the country. The post was a response to the violent incident she witnessed on the streets of Los Angeles on February 1.
: Together with the photo attached to the post, Lee narrated what happened and expressed her opinion on the matter.
: Lee reported that an old Korean lady was hit in the face by a Caucasian female who shouted “white power!” as she ran off. Her companion, identified as Chong Lee, followed the assailant, called the police, and waited until the attacker was arrested by LAPD officers of the Olympic division.
: “She walked by the korean grandma, yelled, ‘White power!’ and ran off. Thank goodness Chong followed the female for 6 blocks while calling the police and stayed with her until he saw her get arrested.”
: In the same post, Lee revealed her fears about the safety of her very own grandmother who has been legally living in America with a U.S. passport for more than 30 years.
: “She’s very independent and insists that she continues to live in their apartment by herself because she doesn’t want to burden any of us to take care of her. It scares me that this situation can easily happen to my grandma while she’s waiting for the bus or walking to/from the bus stop to her home or work,” Lee said.
: Tension around scenarios like this have only become more prevalent after Donald Trump won the presidential election. Every speech about deportation and division only creates a sense of entitlement for groups of angry and fearful people ready to take down those they deem “un-American.”
: Trump’s recent declaration of a visa ban for seven predominantly Islamic countries along with other changes in U.S. immigration policies have further fueled the uproar ignited last year.
: “It angers me that people think that he allows them to feel powerful and bully others who are ‘different’ from themselves,” Lee emphasized. “Please don’t spread the hate and ignorance displayed by someone who truly doesn’t deserve the power he has come into.”
: The elderly woman sustained a one-inch cut on her forehead but will survive. The original poster, Linda Lee, hit back at critics of the story who called it “fake news” saying:
: “For those of you who think this is fake news, it’s absolutely real. Just because you can’t find any official news reports of it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. I have absolutely no reason to create a fake story. I posted this to voice my opinion about how our country is going through really difficult times.”
: 完整新闻连结:
: http://tinyurl.com/hys5oa2
: 第二起攻击事件
: http://tinyurl.com/z9avlr3