twowugs (Il y a deux wugs.)
2017-01-31 02:00:35来回一下后续发展
目前最完整报导在魁北克法语媒体La Presse
稍早逮捕的两人Alexandre Bissonnette和Mohamed Khadir
Fb赞了Marine Le Pen(法国极右党党魁)、川普等人
La Presse全文:http://tinyurl.com/h3wr7je
※ 引述《uini (那抹湛蓝)》之铭言:
: 来源:CBC(加拿大广播公司)
: 连结:https://goo.gl/wU6qdM
: 6 dead, 2 arrested after shooting at Quebec City mosque
: 魁北寺清真寺事件,6人死亡,2人被逮捕
: [前文和本篇报导重复就不贴了,这篇重点是这个]
: [前文和本篇报导重复就不贴了,这篇重点是这个]
: 'A Qué bé cois accent'
: 嫌犯之一"操魁北克口音"
: A witness, who asked to remain anonymous, told CBC's French-language service
: A witness, who asked to remain anonymous, told CBC's French-language service
: Radio-Canada that two masked individuals entered the mosque.
: 目击者(匿名希望)告诉CBC法文台说,有两个戴面具的人进入清真寺
: "It seemed to me that they had a Qué bé cois accent. They started to fire,
: and as they shot they yelled, 'Allahu akbar!' The bullets hit people that
: were praying. People who were praying lost their lives. A bullet passed right
: over my head," said the witness.
: "听起来他们之一操魁北克口音。他们开始开枪,而且一边开枪一边大叫'阿拉花瓜'
: 子弹击中正在祈祷的人群。一颗子弹就从我脑袋右边擦过。"目击者表示。
: "There were even kids. There was even a three-year-old who was with his
: father."
: "他们甚至不放过小孩。3岁和他的父亲"