[新闻] 川普禁止难民与七国人民入境

楼主: ff760725 (㊣矮㊣肥㊣丑㊣穷㊣宅)   2017-01-28 11:23:32
Trump signs executive order for 'extreme vetting' of refugees
We don't want them here.
-President Trump
President Trump on Friday continued his crackdown on illegal immigration,
signing sweeping new orders that tighten the country's refugee and visa
policies –suspending almost all refugee admissions for four months and
indefinitely barring entry for some Syrians.
Trump signed the executive action at the Pentagon, where he met with the
joint chiefs of staff and participated in the swearing-in ceremony for
Defense Secretary James Mattis.
Trump said the new measure was intended “to keep radical Islamic terrorists
out of the United States of America.”
“We don't want them here,” Trump said.
The executive order also suspends visa entry into the U.S. from seven
countries that have predominately Muslim populations. They include: Syria,
Iran, Iraq, Somalia, Libya, Sudan and Yemen.
The order also creates an “extreme vetting” process for any and all
immigrants and visitors to the U.S.
House Chairman Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas, told Fox News, “It's a safer
day for America.”
American Civil Liberties Union Executive Director Anthony Romero blasted
Trump's plan as unconstitutional.
“‘Extreme vetting' is just a euphemism for discriminating against Muslims,"
Romero said in a statement issued moments after the signing. "Identifying
specific countries with Muslim majorities and carving out exceptions for
minority religions flies in the face of the constitutional principle that
bans the government from either favoring or discriminating against particular
Trump defended the executive order during an interview with Fox News' Sean
"Right now, the FBI has over 1,000 [terrorism] investigations going on … and
these are people that we let in," Trump said from the White House Thursday.
"We don't need this. Some people have come in with evil intentions. Most
haven't, I guess, but we can't take chances."
Trump added that the U.S. has taken in tens of thousands of people.
“We know nothing about them,” he said. “They can say they vetted them.
They didn't vet them, they have no papers. How can you vet somebody when you
don't know anything about them and they have no papers?”
Civil rights and refugee advocates around the world have sounded the alarm
over Trump's executive order after a draft copy was leaked late Wednesday.
“These actions taken by Donald Trump are tantamount to a Muslim ban,” Abed
A. Ayoub, the legal and policy director for the American-Arab
Anti-Discrimination Committee. “This is the Muslim ban that was promised by
him on the campaign trail.”
As president, Trump has the authority to set how many refugees are allowed in
annually. He can also choose to suspend the program altogether. Following the
Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, President George W. Bush suspended refugee
processing. It was later restarted.
In the last budget year, the U.S. has accepted 84,995 refugees of which
12,587 were from Syria. Former President Barack Obama set the refugee limit
for the current budget year at 110,000.
Sources close to Trump tell Fox News he has plans to cut that by more than
half to 50,000.
In an interview with CBN, Trump said persecuted Christians from Syria would
get priority.
“They've been horribly treated. Do you know if you were a Christian in Syria
it was impossible, at least very tough to get into the United States? If you
were a Muslim you could come in, but if you were a Christian, it was almost
impossible and the reason that was so unfair, everybody was persecuted in all
fairness, but they were chopping off the heads of everybody but more so the
Christians. And I thought it was very, very unfair. So we are going to help
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作者: upurs (顶你的XX)   2017-01-28 11:24:00
作者: lollipopboys   2017-01-28 11:24:00
作者: all0pha765 (765)   2017-01-28 11:24:00
作者: LoveMakeLove (愛製造愛)   2017-01-28 11:24:00
作者: hogu134 (可爱的表情^^)   2017-01-28 11:24:00
作者: njnjy (邱若男我要干死妳)   2017-01-28 11:25:00
美国游览车业者活不下去了 叭叭
作者: skyrie (史盖瑞)   2017-01-28 11:25:00
作者: Cybershit (BMI<18der肥宅)   2017-01-28 11:25:00
作者: b2305911 (HowardX)   2017-01-28 11:25:00
作者: jma306 (甲贺稻修伯)   2017-01-28 11:25:00
作者: Encoreh (Artisan)   2017-01-28 11:26:00
作者: njnjy (邱若男我要干死妳)   2017-01-28 11:26:00
反观欧洲 开放恐怖份子入境
作者: GGINDOWBOW (吃肥肥装颓颓)   2017-01-28 11:26:00
作者: jma306 (甲贺稻修伯)   2017-01-28 11:26:00
话说伊拉克和利比亚被民主注射 怎还那么鄙视这两国显示民主注射 就是打毒针 不是打解药
作者: GGinler (69G4)   2017-01-28 11:28:00
别的不说 政见有兑现 就赢一半
作者: csi9507121 (Corydoras)   2017-01-28 11:30:00
作者: ramirez   2017-01-28 11:30:00
说到做到 反观
作者: cka   2017-01-28 11:32:00
作者: c871111116 (废文死北七)   2017-01-28 11:33:00
歧视难民+七国国民 好莱坞要开喷了
作者: drigo   2017-01-28 11:33:00
作者: hihi29 (无)   2017-01-28 11:33:00
中国应该代替美国 成为世界警察 帮收这七国民众
作者: aresa (秋凉)   2017-01-28 11:34:00
作者: lwlt1995 (seyaku)   2017-01-28 11:34:00
说到做到 霸气给推
作者: Janius (Andante Cantabile)   2017-01-28 11:34:00
作者: drigo   2017-01-28 11:34:00
作者: jma306 (甲贺稻修伯)   2017-01-28 11:34:00
难民的肇事国 歧视难民 这是好笑的地方
作者: rv0918 (Lee)   2017-01-28 11:35:00
好莱坞超好笑 全世界最大的娱乐洗脑集团就是他们耶
作者: keane9112 (拎北逮顽郎 拎北反支那啦)   2017-01-28 11:35:00
中国真的应该有成为大国心 接收难民
作者: drigo   2017-01-28 11:35:00
作者: countryair (countryair)   2017-01-28 11:35:00
作者: bruce2248 (moptt受害者)   2017-01-28 11:36:00
没中国 可惜
作者: darkbrigher (暗行者)   2017-01-28 11:36:00
作者: aks60808   2017-01-28 11:37:00
作者: jma306 (甲贺稻修伯)   2017-01-28 11:37:00
人家本来是产油国 产油国的社会福利本来就是人人称羡结果变成难民输出国 被鄙视
作者: otter (protect)   2017-01-28 11:37:00
说到做到 而且效率超快
作者: hiojvd (hiojvd)   2017-01-28 11:38:00
太狂啦 说到做到
作者: now99 (陈在天)   2017-01-28 11:38:00
作者: otter (protect)   2017-01-28 11:38:00
作者: lefestin   2017-01-28 11:39:00
作者: taikonkimo (太公)   2017-01-28 11:40:00
他就是这样当选的 实现政见罢了
作者: yayawoliyau (峰哥)   2017-01-28 11:40:00
作者: reich3 (月涌大江流)   2017-01-28 11:42:00
作者: tuna0214   2017-01-28 11:43:00
作者: icou (已哭)   2017-01-28 11:44:00
作者: aromaQ626 (抠咪霉庇)   2017-01-28 11:47:00

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