RayBoku (一任阶前点滴到天明)
2016-12-30 19:55:25※ 引述《Seles (莎莎)》之铭言:
: 函中指出“有关贞爱立约承诺、守贞、拒绝婚前性行为及堕胎影片等宗教、信仰团体课程
: ,皆不宜纳入本市性别教育平等及性教育课纲内容”,蔡正元怒轰“陈菊不准在高雄中小
: 学教育孩子‘拒绝婚前性行为’,这是什么玩意儿?”(任羿馨/综合报导)
美国儿科医学会对于性/别教育的说法: https://goo.gl/j321EN
Children and adolescents should be shown how to develop a safe and positive
view of sexuality through age-appropriate education about their sexual health.
Sexuality education is more than the instruction of children and adolescents
on anatomy and the physiology of biological sex and reproduction. It covers
healthy sexual development, gender identity, interpersonal relationships,
affection, sexual development, intimacy, and body image for all adolescents,
including adolescents with disabilities, chronic health conditions, and other
special needs.
Developing a healthy sexuality is a key developmental milestone for all
children and adolescents that depends on acquiring information and forming
attitudes, beliefs, and values about consent, sexual orientation, gender
identity, relationships, and intimacy. All children and adolescents need to
receive accurate education about sexuality to understand ultimately how to
practice healthy sexual behavior.
In a 2005 study by Brckner and Bearman, a review of Add Health data suggested
that many teenagers who take a "virginity pledge" and intend to be abstinent
before marriage fail to do so and that when these teenagers do initiate
intercourse, they fail to protect themselves by using contraception.
In a review of the virginity pledge movement, these researchers found that 88%
of teenagers who took the pledge had initiated intercourse before marriage,
compared with 99% of those who did not take the pledge.
They also found that teenagers who took the pledge were less likely to use
contraception after they did initiate sexual intercourse and not to seek STI
screening. At 6-year follow-up, the prevalence of STIs (Chlamydia, gonorrhea,
trichomoniasis, and HPV infection) was comparable among those who took the
abstinence pledge and those who did not.
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the Society for
Adolescent Health and Medicine, the AAP, the American Medical Association,
the American Public Health Association, National Education Association, and
the National School Boards Association oppose abstinence-only education and
endorse comprehensive sexuality education that includes both abstinence
promotion and accurate information about contraception, human sexuality, and
医学会、国家教育协会等团体连署反对单一守贞教育,主张应该要有 (包含守贞教育与正
确知识的) 多元性/别教育