[爆卦] 足球是中国人发明的!!

楼主: abc12812   2016-12-26 18:40:00
EIGHT is a lucky number in China. How fortunate it was, then, that a team of
more than 100 scientists was able, after three years of research, to declare
that ancient Chinese had achieved no fewer than 88 scientific breakthroughs
and engineering feats of global significance. Their catalogue of more than
200 pages, released in June, was hailed as a major publishing achievement.
一群中国学家在三年的研究后 于日前宣布了至少88样的中国古代发明
All Chinese schoolchildren can name their country’s “four great inventions”
: paper, printing, the compass and gunpowder. Now it appears they have a lot
more homework to do. The study purports to prove that China was first with
many other marvels, including the decimal system, rockets, pinhole imaging,
rice and wheat cultivation, the crossbow and the stirrup.
四大发明已经不够看了 中国学生要知道的发明看来要再增加了
It is no coincidence that the project, led by the prestigious Chinese Academy
of Sciences, got under way a few months after Xi Jinping took over as China’
s leader in 2012. Mr Xi has been trying to focus public attention on the
glories of China’s past as a way to instil patriotism and provide a suitable
historical backdrop for his campaign to fulfil “the Chinese dream of the
great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation”.
自从习大大掌权以来 就致力提升公众对于中国光辉历史的认识
Mr Xi is building on a long tradition among the Communist Party’s
propagandists of claiming world firsts. “China invented Lassie,” ran a
headline in Global Times, a party-controlled newspaper, about dogs being
domesticated in China 16,000 years ago (another group of scientists reckon
China first did this 33,000 years ago). In 2006 official media shocked the
Scots with an assertion that China invented golf a millennium ago, hundreds of
years before the game took off in Scotland.
根据习大大和共产党 中国有许多世界第一
例如在16000年前驯化狗 以及在千年以前发明高尔夫球
As a lover of football, Mr Xi likes drawing attention to China’s pioneering
of that sport, too. On a visit to Britain in 2015 he stopped at one of the
country’s most famous football clubs, Manchester City. There he was
presented with a copy of the first rules for the modern game (drawn up by an
Englishman in 1863). In return, he handed over a copper representation of a
figure playing cuju, a sport similar to football invented by China 2,000
years ago (see picture, from a football museum in Shandong province). It was
apparently popular both among urban youths and as a form of military fitness
training. Mr Xi would like a great rejuvenation of this, too. In 2014 he
announced plans to put football on the national curriculum. The aim is to
make China a “first-class power” in football by 2050 (it has a long way to
身为足球爱好者 习大大也想让大家了解中国在这项运动的领先地位
The growing attention that China pays to its ancient achievements, real and
exaggerated, contrasts with the almost total rejection of them by Mao Zedong
after he seized power in 1949. In Mao’s China history was not something to
celebrate. A central aim of his Cultural Revolution was to attack the “four
olds”: customs, culture, habits and ideas. Many Chinese dynasties destroyed
some glories of the previous one, but the Communists took this to new
extremes. Across the country state-sponsored vandals destroyed temples,
mansions, city walls, scenic sites, paintings, calligraphy and other
That began to change after Mao died in 1976. Now Mr Xi claims that Chinese
civilisation “has developed in an unbroken line from ancient to modern times
”. He glosses over not just the chaos and destruction of the Mao era but the
long centuries when the geographical area now called China was divided into
many parts, and even run by foreign powers (Manchu and Mongol).
The party also wants to use ancient prowess to boost China’s image abroad
and to counter widespread (and often unfair) impressions in the West that the
country is better at copying others’ ideas than coming up with its own. The
four great inventions were one of the main themes at the opening ceremony of
the Olympic Games in Beijing in 2008, an event that China saw as its global
coming-out party after decades of being treated with suspicion and contempt
by foreign powers.
Envy of the West’s rapid gains in technology since the 19th century has been
a catalyst of Chinese nationalism for over 100 years. It fuels a cultural
competitiveness in China that turns ancient history into a battleground. This
was evident in China’s prickly response to a recent documentary made by the
BBC and National Geographic, which suggested that China’s famous terracotta
warriors in Xi’an showed Greek influence. Some people interpreted this as a
slight. One Chinese archaeologist dismissed the theory as “dishonest” and
having “no basis”; another said that foreign hands could not have sculpted
the figures because “no Greek names” were inscribed on their backs.
Likewise in 2008 Boris Johnson, then mayor of London, was derided for saying
that table tennis originated not in China but on Victorian dining tables and
was known as whiff-whaff.
Just a slight inconsistency
The publication of the 88 achievements, however, has drawn attention again to
an enduring mystery: why, after a long record of remarkable attainment in
technology, did Chinese innovations largely cease for the 500 years or so
leading up to the collapse of the last imperial dynasty in 1911? As state
media observed, few of the inventions on the new list belong to this period.
This puzzle is often referred to as the “Needham question”, after a British
scientist and Sinologist, Joseph Needham. (It was he, in his study of China’
s ancient science in the 1950s, who first identified the four great inventions
—before then most people thought they had emerged in the West.) A member of
the team that produced the list said the question deserved “deep reflection”
and would be a topic of future research.
这次公布的88项成就又让人不禁疑惑 为什么近代中国突然停止发明了?
Mr Xi skates over this. He lauds Zheng He, a eunuch who launched maritime
voyages from China across the Indian Ocean from 1405, as one of China’s
great innovators—an early proponent of a vision of China that Mr Xi would
like to recreate: prosperous, outward-looking and technologically advanced
(the admiral’s massive boat is number 88 on the list). Yet he fails to point
out that soon after Zheng He’s explorations China turned inward, beginning
its half-millennium of stagnation.
习大大赞扬郑和 但他忘了指出在郑和出航后 中国开始闭关自守
In this 15th-century turning point, reformists in China see an obvious answer
to Needham’s question: isolation from the rest of the world is bad for
innovation. They take heart in China’s efforts since the 1970s to re-engage
with the West, but lament the barriers that remain. With luck, it will not
take 100 state-sponsored Chinese scientists another three years to reach the
same conclusion.
运气好的话 应该不用百位国家赞助的科学家花三年时间来达成这个结论吧
作者: Rrrxddd (RRXD)   2016-12-26 18:40:00
作者: minejel (梦幻泡影)   2016-12-26 18:40:00
作者: popo6307 (BananaLala)   2016-12-26 18:40:00
作者: Marino (马利诺)   2016-12-26 18:41:00
是阿 高球发明的阿 你没看水虎传吗
作者: holymoon99 (阿克西斯教徒099)   2016-12-26 18:41:00
作者: daisuke502 (江)   2016-12-26 18:41:00
为了复兴中华 改名蹴球如何
作者: FuYen (赴宴)   2016-12-26 18:42:00
2004年初 国际足总的确认 古代中国的蹴鞠是足球运动的雏形
作者: save (阿存)   2016-12-26 18:42:00
不然咧 没听过蹴鞠吗
作者: bassmaster (三餐吃方便面然后暴毙)   2016-12-26 18:42:00
作者: kafkaLai (海边的卡夫卡)   2016-12-26 18:42:00
中国狗是粮食吧 四只脚的那种
作者: addisonwu (小信)   2016-12-26 18:42:00
作者: jerrys0580 (堕落的阿它)   2016-12-26 18:42:00
作者: GonVolcano (火山君)   2016-12-26 18:43:00
作者: diabolica (打回大師再改ID)   2016-12-26 18:44:00
下一篇 马雅王国
作者: save (阿存)   2016-12-26 18:45:00
为什么停止发明 问腐儒啊 只会在那边忠孝仁义 靠北奇技淫巧
作者: Dinenger (低能兒)   2016-12-26 18:45:00
作者: weian18663 (ronaldo07)   2016-12-26 18:46:00
蹴鞠阿 没听过哦
作者: deadogy (aya)   2016-12-26 18:46:00
作者: manu1119 (十一楼)   2016-12-26 18:46:00
作者: Wtaa (窝塔)   2016-12-26 18:46:00
作者: tryagain24 (wilson156)   2016-12-26 18:47:00
作者: realtw (realtw)   2016-12-26 18:48:00
中国一直承认现代足球是英国发明的 古代蹴鞠是中国发明的
作者: WuDhar (was eliminated)   2016-12-26 18:49:00
作者: ethanwu0414 (伊森)   2016-12-26 18:50:00
作者: getfull (getfull)   2016-12-26 18:50:00
作者: Ghostchaos (Ghostchaos)   2016-12-26 18:50:00
作者: Gsanz (乔峰)   2016-12-26 18:51:00
作者: caesst85149 (cajhwunc)   2016-12-26 18:52:00
作者: MrAIR (米司特)   2016-12-26 18:55:00
作者: chiguang (完美工具人)   2016-12-26 18:55:00
作者: jamison33 (金州勇士队)   2016-12-26 18:58:00
作者: roger60801   2016-12-26 18:58:00
作者: cuba391156 (cuba391156)   2016-12-26 18:59:00
作者: KurtZouma (Sinner666)   2016-12-26 18:59:00
作者: colinfeng   2016-12-26 19:01:00
小时了了 现在有什么先进发明?
作者: a0187307   2016-12-26 19:03:00
中国国球是足球 假赛黑哨得第一
作者: wwewcwwwf (桃園吳彥祖)   2016-12-26 19:03:00
是很多都是中国发明的 但是清朝时代科技发展被搞烂掉阿
作者: ste926   2016-12-26 19:03:00
作者: AnanP (Pig)   2016-12-26 19:05:00
蹴鞠啊 现在才发现?
作者: Zphoenix (细雨双羊湖)   2016-12-26 19:10:00
作者: CO2 (吸呕吐)   2016-12-26 19:10:00
作者: roveralex (菜饼)   2016-12-26 19:14:00
作者: Xenogamer (ゴミ丼わがんりんにゃれ)   2016-12-26 19:15:00
作者: setraise (Better Life!)   2016-12-26 19:17:00
作者: rix20150621 (RIX)   2016-12-26 19:26:00
作者: tonyhom (偷你红)   2016-12-26 19:28:00
作者: tuna0214   2016-12-26 19:40:00
不要笑死人了 拜托
作者: Leika (裁作短歌行)   2016-12-26 19:43:00
作者: ckpioneer (风)   2016-12-26 19:51:00
........... 郑和表示:怪我囉?
作者: mathrew (Joey)   2016-12-26 19:55:00
就蹴鞠啊 是事实
作者: leo1217000 (上晋)   2016-12-26 19:56:00
作者: muserFW (根毛)   2016-12-26 19:56:00
作者: tsuyoshi2501 (Tsuyoshi)   2016-12-26 19:57:00

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