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United States Challenges China’s Export Duties on Nine Key Raw Materials to
Level Playing Field for American Manufacturers
Washington, D.C. U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman announced today
that the United States has launched a new trade enforcement action against
the People’s Republic of China at the World Trade Organization (WTO)
concerning China’s export duties on nine different raw materials. When
China joined the WTO, China agreed to eliminate its export duties on these
products, but it has failed to follow through on this commitment. Today’s
action is the 13th trade enforcement case the Obama Administration has
launched against China at the WTO – more than any other WTO country over the
same period. The U.S. has won every case that has been decided so far.
The export duties China imposes provide substantial competitive advantages
for Chinese manufacturers by making them more expensive for U.S.
manufacturers that rely on these raw materials to produce their downstream
goods. These nine raw materials – antimony, cobalt, copper, graphite, lead,
magnesia, talc, tantalum, and tin – are key inputs into high-value
Made-in-America products in vital industrial sectors, including aerospace,
automotive, electronics, and chemicals. China’s export duties provide an
unfair competitive advantage to China at the expense of American workers and
(奇怪 不是说狼性吗? 原来是耍赖阿)