ACE520 (ASE)
2016-05-06 15:31:51不意外,论文锁住不公开,只是方便某些投机的学生盗取学位而已
First case:
Author : Meng-Che Wu
Assessment of Applying SSSC to Power Market for Carbon Trading
Author: : Kai-Hung Lu
Assessment of Power Market for Carbon Trading by Modified Particle Swarm Optimization
After investigating this case with view points from both parties, it seems
to us that this is an internal case of how to split the work credits among
the team members of the same laboratory. As it seems that this is an
internal affair involving one single laboratory, it would be better if you
can direct your complaint to the head of the laboratory directly. Of if one
would like, one may send the complaint to the head of the department
supervising that laboratory. This is because only the head may keep the
records of the individual works/contributions of each team member of the
laboratory. After their official decision, we are more than happy to follow
their decision.
We are looking forward to your understanding because we do not have the
legal power to order laboratory to hand internal personal data to us before
of privacy issues concerned.
Date of modification: 12 March 2016.
Brief description of the change: Add Meng-Che Wu to the list of authors.
Second case:
1.Author:李元辉(Yuan-hui Li)
A Study for Price-Based Unit Commitment with Carbon
In this thesis, the Hybrid Genetic Algorithm-Ant Colony Optimization (GACO) approach is presented to solve the unit commitment problem (UC),
and comparison with the results obtained using literature methods.
Then this thesis applied the ability of the Genetic Algorithm (GA) operated after Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) can promote the ACO efficiency.
The objective of GA is to improve the searching quality of ants by optimizing themselves to generate a better result,
because the ants produced randomly by pheromone process are not necessary better.
This method can not only enhance the neighborhood search, but can also search the optimum solution quickly to advance convergence.
The other objective of this thesis is to investigate an influence of emission constraints on generation scheduling.
The motivation for this objective comes from the efforts to reduce negative trends in a climate change.
In this market structure, the independent power producers have to deal with several complex issues arising from uncertainties in spot market prices,
and technical constraints which need to be considered while scheduling generation and trading for the next day.
In addition to finding dispatch and unit commitment decisions while maximizing its profit,
their scheduling models should include trading decisions like spot-market buy and sell.
The model proposed in this thesis build on the combined carbon finance and spot market formulation,
and help generators in deciding on when these commitments could be beneficial.
2.Author: Ting-Chia Ou
A Study for Price-Based Unit Commitment with Carbon Trading by DI&C simulation
In this paper, the Hybrid Genetic Algorithm-Ant Colony Optimization (GACO) approach is presented to solve the unit commitment problem,
and comparison with the results obtained using literature methods by nuclear-grade Digital Instrumentation and Control (DI&C) simulation.
Then this paper applied the ability of the Genetic Algorithm (GA) operated after Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) can promote the ACO efficiency.
The objective of GA is to improve the searching quality of ants by optimizing themselves to generate a better result,
because the ants produced randomly by pheromone process are not necessary better.
This method can not only enhance the neighborhood search, but can also search the optimum solution quickly to advance convergence.
The other objective of this paper is to investigate an influence of emission constraints on generation scheduling.
The motivation for this objective comes from the efforts to reduce negative trends in a climate change.
In this market structure, the nuclear power plants (NPPs) and independent power producers (IPPs) have to deal with several complex issues arising from uncertainties in spot market prices,
and technical constraints which need to be considered while scheduling generation and trading for the next day.
In addition to finding dispatch and unit commitment decisions while maximizing its profit,
their scheduling models should include trading decisions like spot-market buy and sell.
The model proposed in this paper build on the combined carbon finance and spot market formulation,
and help generators in deciding on when these commitments could be beneficial.
IEEE defines plagiarism as the reuse of someone else's prior processes,
results, or words without explicitly acknowledging the original author and source.
It is important for all IEEE authors to recognize that plagiarism in any form,
at any level, is unacceptable and is considered a serious breach of professional conduct,
with potentially severe ethical and legal consequences.
※ 引述《haootin (卖搁卡啊~)》之铭言:
: 1.媒体来源:
: 联合新闻网
: 2.完整新闻标题:
: 著作权法修正 硕博士论文强制公开
: 3.完整新闻内文:
: 智慧财产局提出“著作权法”最新修正草案,其中不少与民众切身相关。
: 过去不少硕博士毕业生不愿公开论文,相关著作只能收在图书馆仓库养灰尘,无法上架。
: 为促进学术交流、传承,智慧局这次修法把取得学位的硕博士论文全视为同意公开发表,
: 不能再“藏私”不公开了。
: 智慧局官员指出,过去部分学生不愿公开论文,有的是因论文内容涉及抄袭,
: 所以宁愿“封存”,教育部对此也相当头痛;这次修法强制公开论文,也有避免论文抄袭
: 泛滥,希望提高论文品质的“额外效果”。
: 现行著作权法对硕博士论文是“推定公开发表”,作者可自由选择不想公开。
: 实务上不少毕业生勾选“论文不公开”,导致硕博士论文只能存放在图书馆仓库内,
: 无法上架供阅览利用,教育部、国家图书馆都曾向智慧局反映过此问题。
: 官员表示,未来若修法通过,除非论文涉及专利、有国防机密等特殊状况,
: 否则都将强制公开;不过修法不溯及既往,三读过后的硕博士论文才适用新制。
: 此外,现行著作权法尊重创作者个人意愿,创作者可自由决定是否公开创作,
: 即使作者去世,著作人格权也将永远持续;作者生前若决定不公开发表作品,
: 就无人能再公开。
: 例如据传作家张爱玲生前曾透露要销毁“小团圆”小说手稿,但后来出版社还是出版著
: 作,曾引发争议。
: 官员指出,为促进著作流通,这次修法明定,除非有“特殊情形”,否则若经继承
: 遗产的著作财产权人全数同意,原则上就可公开发表作者生前未公开作品,
: 不会有侵权问题。
: 官员举例,不适合公开状况包括:著作人生前曾表示不愿公开发表,例如张爱玲的意愿
: 就须被纳入考量,或是作者生前与友人往来的书信、个人日记等,因涉及隐私,就不适合
: 公开。
: 4.完整新闻连结 (或短网址):
: https://goo.gl/ZlA4Ob
: 5.备注:
: 延伸阅读
: 1.阿嬷公园跳土风舞 音乐免版权费
: http://udn.com/news/story/7321/1671174
: 2.《著作权法》修法仍有争议 经济部“打包” 520后交新政府处理
: https://goo.gl/i8ECwF
: 3.政府公开线上征询人民意见(国发会搞的)
: http://goo.gl/ZSJUhG
: 有人了解这次著作权在修什么吗?
: 论文强制公开,会不会让很多知名人物的“论文名(ㄔㄠ )著(ㄒㄧˊ)”成为社会新闻呢?
: 修个著作权法律扯到TPP,还要交给新政府处理,这中间有什么卦吗?