※ 引述《ccyk (白)》之铭言:
: ※ 引述《bezbol (o.o)》之铭言:
: : 这下全世界都见証了台湾最美丽的风景
: : https://goo.gl/lLwsHC
: : 该表扬他吗?
: : 让全世界的人认识台湾
: : 马习会都没有受到如此高度重视
: : 真是台湾之光
: Reddit乡民回答
: 我在台湾住了两年,这是真的,特别是在你尝试说该语言时。许多当地的女孩对你感兴趣
: 只因你是高加索人,大概是这家伙如此生气的原因。
: 此外,这里有个既定的普遍刻板印象,外国人来台湾就是来搞一夜情。当然这种人肯定存
: 在,但大多数人显然不是这样。对某些没女友的人像这家伙,要说服自己是外国人把所有
: 女人都干走了,总是比接受自己不具吸引力的事实来得容易。
: 我认为最棒的部分是他具备所有种族歧视键盘战士的特质。痘疤、戴眼镜、糟糕的发型以
: 及过胖。
: 居然没人问:
: ‧ 你有钱吗?
: ‧ 你认为你够帅吗?
: 身为华裔妇女,我不能同意更多。负面刻板印象、种族和性别歧视依然是个大问题(特别
: 是在亚洲)。不过我看到了改变。
: 这家伙肯定严重低估了社群媒体的力量。
: 怪罪别人总比接受自己没什么吸引力来得容易。
: 他一直叫对方丑男。我想指出这家伙身材走样、发型糟糕、卫生习惯不佳应该满公平的。
: 没有什么比看起来好几天没洗澡的胡言乱语asshole更有魅力了
: 搬到西方国家娶个白人妹吧。
: 乡民们怎么看?
最近看到的一篇从美国华盛顿大学的 Taiwanese American 回台湾当交换生的心得:
https://goo.gl/EDq6tr Page4
Cultuew Aspects
Strangely enough, I found it slightly difficult to meet members of the
commumity because I was already Taiwanese (or Taiwanese American). While I
can speak Chinese fluently with little to no accent, I am still quite limited
as my level of Chinese is probably the equivalent of a 4th grader in Taiwan.
This combined with the fact that I already looked Taiwanese gave people the
impression that I was strange as whenever I had to buy food, I could only read
2 or 3 of the characters from the different foods and as a result I would get
funny looks or they'd roll their eyes. Surprisingly, when I pretended like I
didn't know Chinese and only used English to buy food, all of a sudden the
people became much nicer and friendlier and keener on having a conversation as
compared to if I had used my "somewhat" broken Chinese. If you're a foreigner
in Taiwan, the people will love you and it's actually quite interesting as
some of my Caucasian exchange students had no trouble finding language
partners. I remember one funny story was how one of Caucasian friends (also an
exchange student from the US) went into Starbucks to order a drink and just by
ordering a drink, the barista gave him her number so they could be language