Re: [爆卦] 华盛顿邮报 报导 台湾人对马习会看法!!!!

楼主: gmooshan   2015-11-07 09:29:24
※ 引述《plsear (普西儿)》之铭言:
: 美国《华盛顿邮报》(Washington Post) 的政治专栏 The Monkey Cage数小时前
: 刚刚刊登的报导,标题为Taiwan and mainland China in talks? Here are the
: 5 things you need to know about what Taiwanese people are thinking.
: / 台湾跟中国要会谈?台湾人的想法,有五件事你应该知道。 /
: 我帮大家节录了重点内容并简单翻译如下:
: 1.The Taiwanese people want talks with mainland China
: / 台湾民众希望与中国对话 /
: In the 2014 survey,... , 68.5 percent of our respondents said yes, while
: only 22.5 percent were opposed.
: 2014的民调中,68.5%同义,22.5%反对。
: 2. Everyone’s in favor of talks, regardless of party
: / 不论党籍的人都愿意展开对话 /
: But Taiwanese of all parties support talks. In the 2014 survey, that’s
: true of a large majority of supporters of Eric Chu, the KMT presidential
: candidate, or 82.9 percent. It’s true also for a substantial majority
: of Tsai Ing-wen supporters, the DPP presidential candidate, or fully 66.3
: percent.
: 2014的民调中,各党支持者都支持展开对话。国民党支持者有82.9%愿意,民进党
: 支持者则有66.3%。
脑残才支持对话阿 觉醒公民都知道
: 3. Supporting talks is not the same as supporting unification
: / 支持会谈不等于支持统一 /
: Over the past 12 years, a majority of Taiwanese people support the status
: quo, which means to maintain the not-quite-official separate status.
: 过去12年来,台湾主流民意支持维持现状,也就是说,维持目前的不太正式的分治状态。
: Meanwhile, support for unification is dropping. Those who agreed with
: “seeking unification with China quickly” and “maintaining the status quo
: now and seeking unification later” now total only 7.3 percent of our
: respondents, a significant drop from 20 percent in 2003.
: 同时,支持统一的比例变低。支持“尽快统一”和“维持现状但最终统一”的民众
: 只有7.3%,跟2003的民调比较,急遽降低了20%。
: (民调图
支持对话就是100%支持统一 觉醒公民也都知道
: 4. Taiwan is looking for a way out of the impasse
: / 台湾正在寻求出路 /
: For the past 12 years, consistently around 80 percent of respondents said
: they supported Taiwan’s independence if independence would not cause
: mainland China to attack Taiwan (the yellow line in the figure below).
: 过去12年,稳定的大约80%民众表示,他们支持台湾独立,如果独立不会造成战争。
: (图
: So far, the “status quo” has been a rational, yet reluctant, choice.
: 目前为止,“维持现状”始终是一个理性、但被迫的选择。
就是为了1.0 2.0的选举口号消毒而已
: 5. The Taiwanese worry about economic dependence on China
: / 台湾人担心对中国的经济依赖 /
: This concern was manifested in the Sunflower Movement in March 2014, in
: which students and activists occupied the Taiwanese parliament for 23 days
: with the goal of stopping the Cross-Strait Service Trade Pact (CSSTP).
: 这个担忧在2014年3月的太阳花运动中被清楚的表达,当时学生跟抗议人士占领了
: 台湾立法院共23天,试图阻止两岸服贸协议的签订。
大家要知道 造谣要造的好
一定要八分假 带两分真
: 6. Conclusion / 结论 /
: In general, the Taiwanese support talks with the mainland that which can
: maintain the status quo and enhance economic prosperity without giving up
: sovereignty, no matter which party is in power. Unification is out of the
: question, and independence is a difficult dream.
: 结论是,在能够维持现状和促进经济繁荣、但不用放弃主权的条件下,无论那一党执政
: ,台湾人支持和大陆会谈。“统一”是想都不用想,而“独立”是一个艰难的梦想。
: 资料来源:
: 华盛顿邮报官方网站
: WP官方的 The Monkey Cage 政治专栏粉丝页
: 本篇FB版
作者: jet113102 (传说中的Yi)   2015-11-07 09:31:00
作者: nixon (为人民币服务)   2015-11-07 09:31:00
那自由时报也是政治文囉, 不如全禁了新闻, 回归八卦
作者: Nicher (rehciN)   2015-11-07 09:32:00
都禁好了啊 我支持楼上
作者: gn01948540 (阿肥)   2015-11-07 09:33:00
作者: Homedoni   2015-11-07 09:34:00
你只看他的民调就说他是党报 怎不看看其他评论
作者: ewing112233 (认真的男人最英俊)   2015-11-07 09:34:00
作者: kurtsgm   2015-11-07 09:39:00
作者: jrockman (Composer)   2015-11-07 09:47:00
铁定党报啊 你今天才知道kmt势力早就统治美国媒体了吗
作者: y123824343 (嗨唷嘿)   2015-11-07 10:00:00
作者: Pegasus170 (鲁蛇肥宅台劳+前义务役)   2015-11-07 10:02:00
最后那句话你没看到吗? “统一”是想都不用想,而“独立”是一个艰难的梦想。
作者: teremy (乡民代表)   2015-11-07 10:03:00
作者: ewing112233 (认真的男人最英俊)   2015-11-07 10:14:00

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