Re: [新闻] 柯P挺电竞 北市:体育署也同意电竞是运

楼主: cutsadh (呦呦呦)   2015-10-26 22:29:09
※ 引述《turbomons (Τ/taʊ/)》之铭言:
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: 电竞是一项真正的体育吗?
: Over the past week, there have been a number of fierce debates surrounding
: eSports and its credibility as an authentic “sport”. The idea of pursuing
: career and earning a living from playing video games is one that is currentl
: unfathomable to certain members of the public, specifically those of older
: generations. However, to disregard competitive gaming as a traditional sport
: and simply view it as an entertaining pastime is incredibly na鴳e,
: especially when one of the largest annual sporting events, The X Games,
: awards competitive gamers with the recognition they deserve.
: 电竞(eSports)究竟算不算是体育(sport)这个议题,一直在起争议,老一辈人认为电竞

: 是无聊幼稚的消遣,但游戏玩家们认为电竞应该要像任何体育赛事一样,被获得认可。
: Understandably, from the perspective of many people, the key to whether or
: not competitive gamers should be regarded as official athletes can be found
: within the definition of the word ‘sport’ itself. The Oxford English
: Dictionary states that a sport is “an activity involving physical exertion
: and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others
: for entertainment.”
: 牛津英解字典对体育(sport)的定义
: 体育是涉及体能与技能,其中包含个人或团队间竞赛的休闲娱乐活动。
: Admittedly, within the realm of eSports, the level of physical exertion
: amongst competitors is minimal, potentially voiding the phenomenon as a
: legitimate sport. However, much like darts, regardless of physical
: requirements, the activity still demands a wealth of skill and mental
: concentration, while boasting a competitive atmosphere and a loyal following
: Interestingly enough, eSports can also draw some further comparisons from
: darts, with the common stereotype of both respective professionals being
: overweight, unsocial and lethargic individuals. Yet, according to some sport
: psychologists, “cyber athletes” do display incredible mental endurance and
: their reaction times are at a level equal to professional sportsmen and
: women.
: 电竞相对于其他赛事,虽然体能消耗上属于较小的,但仍有被归类于体育赛事的潜力。
: 跟射飞镖不太需要消耗大量体能一样,电竞需要高强度的精神集中力与丰富的技巧。
: Contrary to popular belief, games such as League of Legends, Starcraft and
: Hearthstone are both mentally demanding and astonishingly stressful, with
: players having to execute split-second decisions, which may define the
: difference between winning and losing. As well as this, several competitive
: gamers spend countless hours in front of a screen, perfecting their craft, a
: they broadcast their tournaments and training sessions to a live audience.
: This continuous amount of pressure can often take its toll on the mind and
: body of competitive gamers, therefore many organisations have opted to
: appoint professional nutritionists to aid their client’s lifestyle, in orde
: to ensure they are at the peak of their career.
: 职业电竞选手在联赛期间的精神承受着惊人的压力,一场比赛往往需要全心全意投入耗

: 数小时才能交出完美表现。所以职业电竞选手就像其他体育赛事选手一样,需要专业化

: 管理自己身心上健康,才能随时维持在最完美的竞技状态。
: Last year, we even witnessed professional Call of Duty team, OpTic Gaming,
: attend a high performance boot camp hosted by Red Bull at their eSports
: studio in California. During their time together, the OpTic Gaming roster
: were analysed by sports psychologists, completed several vigorous fitness
: regimes and participated in a number of team building exercises.
: As well as performing, training and living like professional athletes, in
: many cases within the eSports community, the highest calibre of players can
: also earn a substantial income from doing what they enjoy. Team Dignitas
: owner, Michael “ODEE” O’Dell, states that some players can earn up to
: $200,000+ per year through tournament winnings, streaming and lucrative
: sponsorship deals.
: When debating whether it is plausible for one to earn a career from
: professional gaming, Call of Duty veteran, Matt “Nadeshot” Haag, provides
: very strong and appealing case. Haag isn’t your average 22 year old, he
: drives a BMW M3, has over 1.5 million subscribers on YouTube, attracts
: thousands of viewers to his livestreams on a daily basis and boasts a
: lucrative sponsorship deal with iconic energy drink company, Red Bull. All
: this put together and “Nadeshot” earns over $1 million a year!
: As the largest entertainment industry in the world, video games don’t simpl
: attract a significant amount of players, they also possess an incredibly
: loyal following, who are willing to watch the most popular and talented
: individuals through platforms such as Twitch and
: In 2013, the League of Legends World Championship amassed a whopping 32
: million viewers (with a concurrent peak of 8.5 million), a total larger than
: the NBA finals and the MLB World Series final, two of the most iconic
: sporting events. As well as this, eSports enthusiasts are also willing trave
: across the world to support their favourite teams live, with last year’s Lo
: World Championship filling a 40,000 seated football stadium, while our very
: own G3 was attended by over 4,000 fans and watched by a further 8 million
: people in 25 countries.
: With viewing figures that are higher than some soap operas on TV, eSports is
: a market that currently holds huge investment potential, with top brands suc
: as Coca-Cola, American Express and Red Bull already sponsoring organisations
: players and tournaments.
: 电竞可以带来很多商机$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!
: In my opinion, I view eSports as the sport of a modern generation. Within ou
: era, we have grown up with YouTube celebrities and competitive gaming as the
: norm, while older generations are more comfortable around the typical
: characteristics of standard television and entertainment.
: eSports will continue to grow at a rate previously unheard of in other sport
: industries, therefore I have no doubt that it will be classed as an authenti
: sport in the near future. However, for the time being, I do believe eSports
: enthusiasts and community members should reframe themselves from pursuing th
: vindication from other outlets. In time, they will grow to understand us, bu
: at the moment we are still technically an anomaly, and that is okay. After
: all, we are first people to pioneer this new phenomenon.
: Earlier in the week, Director and Co-Founder of Gfinity, Neville Upton,
: participated in a discussion on the BBC surrounding the growth of eSports an
: whether gaming could be considered as a true sport. Be sure to check out the
: documentary below.
: 电竞就是一项因应现代化,而逐步发展成形中的体育赛事。
作者: bill09232002 (唷~)   2015-10-26 22:33:00
关键点还是在观看人口和商机 电竞商机已经是大到可以和北美四大职业运动、足球那样匹敌程度了 很少有其他竞技规模可以到如此庞大 赛事公平性也将人为裁判影响降到最低 那些吵著说XXX应该也要列为运动项目的人 残酷的事实摆在面前就是:这些项目都没啥人要看所有产业都是先跳进去的先赚 电竞也是这样 越早发展越赚 你有去看一些探讨电竞产业的文章就知道后面商
作者: leehom309536 (907)   2015-10-26 22:42:00
作者: bill09232002 (唷~)   2015-10-26 22:43:00
机非常可怕 重点是成长惊人 现今根本没有什么竞技钱景比电竞还要好 推广电竞理由只有一个 就是钱

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