Re: [问卦] 常春藤盟校毕业在美国有多秋?

楼主: decorum (Festina Lente)   2015-10-20 01:31:15
※ 引述《poiulkjh98 (Leaf)》之铭言:
: 嘘 decorum: 现在Ivy Big 3缴全额学费的大学生不多了 大多有奖学金 10/20 00:58
: 跟phD program比起来就是好进,这点不用战,公认事实,大学部要赚钱,phD免,这造
: 就一堆人申请的原因
: ※ 编辑: poiulkjh98 (, 10/20/2015 01:00:12
: → decorum: 近年长春藤3大为了抢优秀大学生 砸重金毫不手软 10/20 01:00
: 想太多想太多,大多只补助一小部分,绝大部分资金都要注入教授群/phD/设备
What's Great About Princeton's Financial Aid
No Loans: In 2001, Princeton became the first university to offer every aid
recipient a financial aid package that replaces loans with grant aid that
students do not pay back.
2001起 全无学贷政策开跑
Approximately 60% of students receive financial aid: In the last decade, the
amount of our average need-based grant increased by more than 90%, about
twice as much as the amount of tuition increases for the same period.
An average grant of over $46,000 for the Class of 2019: In 2014-15 the
average aid grant covered 100% of tuition for freshmen receiving financial
83% of recent seniors graduated debt free: Princeton's no loan policy has
made it possible for most students to graduate with no debt. For seniors who
borrowed, the average total indebtedness at graduation was $6,600.
$140 million: The estimated amount of grants awarded to over 3,100
undergraduates in 2015-16.
2015-16年给3,100位大学部学生$140 million
Princeton 的作法给其他学校很大的压力
作者: KBlawyer (键盘律师)   2015-10-20 01:32:00
作者: bj45566   2015-10-20 01:35:00
推~ 现在趋势就是这样
作者: webster1112 (webster)   2015-10-20 01:35:00
还好吧 就跟红酒一样 贵的好 安心些 太便宜会怕宁可垃圾当黄金卖 莫卖物廉价美 物超所值 物有所值
作者: kcbill (明日やろうは马鹿野郎だ)   2015-10-20 01:45:00
Princeton毕业生的学贷比Harvard Yale少(负债)三大本身都是need-blind(国际学生也是)所以能进的几乎有拿financial aid

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