论文Abstract原文: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14637240
标题: Kissing reduces allergic skin wheal responses and plasma neurotrophin levels.
翻译: 接吻减轻皮肤过敏反应和血浆内神经营养因子量
这里有照片给你看: http://i.imgur.com/N53theA.png
JCP = Japanese Cedar Pollen (日本杉木花粉)
HDM = House Dust Mite (居家尘螨)
Histamine = 组织胺 (身体内的一种化学传导物质,可以影响许多细胞的反应,包括过敏,发炎反应等,也可以影响脑部神经传导,会造成想睡觉等效果)
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※ 引述《A6 (短ID真好)》之铭言:
: 木俣肇医师 在“性和关系治疗”(Sexual and Relationship Therapy)
: 只发表过一篇文章 根据该文结论
: As shown in Table I, weal responses induced by histamine were not changed in
: the control study or in the sexual intercourse study in normal subjects. Weal
: responses induced by JCP or HDM or histamine were not affected in control
: study patients with AR or AD. In contrast, weal response by JCP or HDM were
: significantly reduced in the sexual intercourse study without affecting weal
: responses induced by histamine in these patients.
: 注意 问题来!!!!了!!!!
: 记者怎么从这段话得到性行为和接吻一样能减轻过敏症状的结论
: : 4.完整新闻连结 (或短网址):
: : http://www.setn.com/News.aspx?NewsID=97163&PageGroupID=4
: : 5.备注: