: http://www.healthcommunities.com/multiple-sclerosis/ms-and-pregnancy_bht.shtml
: Multiple sclerosis neither impairs fertility nor increases the chances of
: stillbirth, spontaneous abortion and congenital malformation, according to
: the National Multiple Sclerosis Society.
If you're a woman newly diagnosed with MS, you may be concerned about how MS
will affect your ability to get pregnant and deliver a healthy child. The
concern is not uncommon. About 200 people are newly diagnosed with multiple
sclerosis each week in the United States, according to the National Institute
of Neurological Disorders and Stroke – and the majority of these are women
of childbearing age.
There are a good number of myths about how MS affects pregnancy. The good
news is that scientists have been studying how MS affects pregnancy and
fertility for the last 40 years, providing reassurances that MS should not
prevent you from getting pregnant or having a child.
如果你是一位被新诊断有MS的女性 你可能会担心MS是否会影响到生出一个健康的宝宝
在美国 每个礼拜约有200人被新诊断有MS
好消息是 科学家们研究了MS如何影响怀孕或是生育力长达40年
MS Does Not Affect Fertility
Multiple sclerosis neither impairs fertility nor increases the chances of
stillbirth, spontaneous abortion and congenital malformation, according to
the National Multiple Sclerosis Society.
However, you should know that MS symptoms, such as pain, fatigue, poor
coordination and sexual dysfunction can interfere with sexual intercourse. It
’s important to have open conversations with your partner about dealing with
symptoms. You might try different positions and new times for sexual intimacy
to aid conception. Don’t hesitate to talk to your doctor too; many times the
doctor can offer helpful therapies.
MS并不会让生育能力失常 也不会增加死胎 自然流产 或是小朋友罹患先天性疾病的机会
然而 你应该要了解到MS的其他症状
例如疼痛 疲累 协调性差 以及性功能失常这些会影响到你日常的性行为
同时这些事情也可以和你的医师沟通 他也可以给你一些有效的治疗
好啦 大概是这样