※ 引述《hlc5566 (五六不死)》之铭言:
: https://goo.gl/4HgEvq
: 原
: https://www.facebook.com/anonymous4sia/posts/726810630798227?comment_id=726897
: 790789511&offset=0&total_comments=30&comment_tracking=%7B%22tn%22%3A%22R%22%7D
: 文章原文如下:
: Greetings citizens of planet earth.
: We have an announcement to make!
: We are everywhere.
: We are no where.
: Taiwan police are no exception.
: All police need to be held accountable for there crimes!
: We can not stand by and allow police to beat and pepper spray and shoot
: peaceful protesters!
: We must be clear!
: We did not organize the attack against the Taiwan Government websites!
: The anonymous who dropped your Taiwan Government website wanted to send a
: message to the government of Taiwan!
: We know that message was received very clear!
: When you beat and hurt the people of Taiwan, you can expect retaliation!
: Canada, Palestine, China, The Philippines, America, Europe, all Asia are now,
: United as one
: Divided by zero
: We do not forgive
: We do not forget
: The honest support us
: The corrupt fear us
: The heroic join us
: We are legion
: We are Halifax Anonymous!
: To the Government of Taiwan
: Its to late to
: Expect Us
: Halifax Nova Scotia Anonymous
: 阿豆仔的回复如下:
: Unfair Unfair Sorry...Can this site represented the whole world Anonymous??
: Does this operation have been approved by region of others Anonymous??
: Do you have authorize by region of others Anonymous??
: I'm Anonymous but i don't believe that this action is purpose of Anonymous or
: been authorized and I can't agree your react neither.
: Of course I know that but we still have organization. And I mean this site's
: action is not according the purpose of Anonymous. Our purposes have
: anti-cyber-surveillance, anti-cyber-censorship, Internet activism, Internet
: vigilantism, But this?? Just like a Child's prank...
: We are leaderless but Faith. Below the site is True Anonymous:
: https://www.facebook.com/ArmyAnonymous?ref=br_rs
: http://anonhq.com/
: http://www.theanoncast.com/
: As for this site..............................is fake and abusing
: You, just you not else, Your purpose and spirit are not real Anonymous and
: not Spokesman of justice.
: =============
: 简单说
: 就是亚洲黑客们一起创办了"匿名者"并模仿真正的匿名者发言模式
: (原po案:大概是以台港澳为主的黑客圈自发性组成的吧@@)
: 结果被美国的匿名者抓到,并且说匿名者亚洲并不能代表世界匿名者
: 他说我们虽然没有领导人 但是有个一贯的信仰
: (原po按:大概就是一些网络议题与自由等)
: 但是他有提供正牌匿名者的网页
: 让我们去看看到底J3小吧
: ↑请往上看那些超连结
: ==============
: 然后蓝蛆就高潮了
: 抓到了 匿名者是绿色的 呵呵呵呵呵
根本绿网军 XD
秒打脸自己 ㄏㄏ 超丢脸