※ 引述《Jassss (Jass)》之铭言:
: 新闻来源:http://www.bbc.com/news/health-33733711
: A vaccine against the deadly Ebola virus has led to 100% protection
: and could transform the way Ebola is tackled, preliminary results suggest.
: 初步研究显示,对抗致命伊波拉病毒的疫苗已经达到100%的保护,
: 也能改变处理伊波拉的模式。
: There were no proven drugs or vaccines against the virus
: at the start of the largest outbreak of Ebola in history,
: which began in Guinea in December 2013.
: 一开始伊波拉大爆发时,根本没有对抗伊波拉的药物或疫苗...
: The World Health Organization (WHO) said the findings,
: being published in the Lancet, could be a "game-changer".
: 世界卫生组织表示目前的新发现将会是改变如何对抗伊波拉的关键。
: Experts said the results were "remarkable".
: This trial centred on the VSV-EBOV vaccine,
: which was started by the Public Health Agency of Canada
: and then developed by the pharmaceutical company Merck.
: 专家表示,研究结果非常显著。
: 这款疫苗(抱歉这个太专业了,我不知道那是啥)由加拿大及药商共同开发。
: It combined a fragment of the Ebola virus with another safer virus
: in order to train the immune system to beat Ebola.
: 这款疫苗将部分的伊波拉病毒及其他较安全的病毒合并,
: 借此来训练免疫系统对抗伊波拉。
: A unique clinical trial took place in Guinea.
: When a patient was discovered, their friends, neighbours
: and family were vaccinated to create a "protective ring" of immunity.
: 目前在几内亚测试的方式是,当病人被发染上伊波拉,
: 他的朋友、邻居、家人都得接受疫苗,以此形成“免疫保护圈”。
作者: dearabi (SuperJunk) 2015-08-01 05:08:00
我用我浅薄的免疫学知识回一下好了. 这玩意是把Ebola一小段蛋白基因塞进VSV里(一种主要感染家畜的病毒). 这VSV和狂犬病病毒差不多同类型, 只不过人感染了不会抓狂, 只会有点伤风感冒的感觉, 所以可以用这VSV把Ebola片段蛋白送进人体活化免疫反应. 所以当真的感染Ebola时就有足够的自生抗题把病毒中和.至于毒性, 应该和单纯VSV感染一样, 应该比肠病毒感染轻微不少.咦! 我好像也用上了我浅薄的病毒学知识了.