※ 引述《Shuoger (修葛尔)》之铭言:
: 整理一下Kepler-452b的小档案:
: 特殊意义:适居带中首颗尺寸接近地球且绕行类日恒星的行星。
: "Kepler-452b is the first near-Earth-Size planet
: in the habitable zone of a star very similar to the sun."
: Kepler-452b
: ◎ 所在位置:天鹅座,距太阳系约1,400光年处
: ◎ 体积:约较地球大60%
: ◎ 质量:未知
: ◎ 组成物质:未知
: ◎ 分类:超级地球
: ◎ 绕行恒星:Kepler-452
: ◎ 公转周期:385日
: ◎ 轨道半长轴:1.05 AU (天文单位,即地球与太阳的平均距离)
: ◎ 恒星光谱:G2 (与太阳同为黄色恒星,也具有相似的温度与质量)
: ◎ 恒星年龄:约60亿岁,(较太阳年长15亿岁)
: 其余亮点:
: 1. 依据先前的研究,像Kepler-452b这样尺寸的行星有相当可能具有岩石地表(类地行星)
: "previous research suggests that planets the size of Kepler-452b
: have a better than even chance of being rocky."
: 2. Kepler-452b从恒星所接收的能量略高于地球从太阳所接收的10%。
: "Today Kepler-452b is receiving 10 percent more energy from its parent star
: than the Earth is from the Sun."
: 3. 推测质量可能是地球的5倍。(现场是说2倍)
: "However, since it is 60 percent bigger than Earth, it is likely to be
: approximately five Earth masses, ..."
: Jon Jenkins: "Kepler 452B is around twice the mass of Earth."
: 4. 表面可能拥有液态水、活跃的火山以及行光合作用的植物。
: "Kepler could also have liquid water, active volcanoes and photosynthesising
: plants on its surface."
: 以上。
: 出处:
: 1. Kepler-452b: Earth's Bigger, Older Cousin