我一看到就哭了. 第一次在这边分享. 请大家小力一点鞭我
原文短网址: http://0rz.tw/dPJEN
附近(请参照地图 https://goo.gl/maps/NGjps)贩卖阳光基金会所制之美味手工饼干,
You can catch him most days at this location after 4:30 PM
https://goo.gl/maps/NGjps— 在 https://goo.gl/maps/NGjps
Ratje Photography
Hi Friends, meet Adao, a Vietnamese migrant worker in Taiwan. He has worked in
Taiwan for almost 9 years in a marble factory in Hukou and was burnt in an
accident where a large pail of hot wax fell on his body. 70% of his body was
severely burnt and he underwent the excruciating process of recovery.
For four months he was in the hospital constantly undergoing skin grafts and
extreme pain from the burns. Then he started the painful process of physical
therapy. For one year his boss paid his workman's
compensation, but decided to cut it off. Nowadays, Adao is happy to have
the support of his social workers and the Sunny Social Welfare Foundation
which provides his physical therapy. He has to go every day for physical
therapy and the only way to provide for his costs of daily life is to sell
cookies after therapy which The Sunny Foundation makes. He wears the thick
body covering to help him heal from the burns and suffers from the heat it
causes him. I am currently working on a project about Adao's
story and struggle in Taiwan, but it won't be finished for a few weeks, so
today, I just hope if you are in Taipei, you can help Adao's sales.
He sells his cookies for $70 NT a box, they are delicious and handmade.
He makes $20 NT per box, so please buy a bit more, or perhaps give him more
money per box. If you are in Hsinchu, I can help you buy them from Adao and
you can pick them up from me!
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