Jassss (Jass)
2015-06-17 01:13:14Property billionaire Donald Trump has announced he will run for the White House in the 2016 election.
Mr Trump, a Republican, has never formally run for president before, but has often talked about it.
"I am officially running for president of the United States and we are going to make our country great again," he told supporters at New York's Trump Towers on Fifth Avenue.
He said his fortune would allow him to be an effective president.
"Our country is in serious trouble. We don't have victories anymore," he said.
"When was the last time anyone saw us beating, let's say, China in a trade deal?
"They kill us. I beat China all the time."
很会讲笑话跟经营产业出名的Donald Trump宣布参选美国总统之后,
1. 如果Trump当选,我要向英国请求国际难民庇护。
2. 如果Trump当选,我要赶紧逃往其他地方,以他过去的言行来看,
3. 只要任何国家敢批评他的发型,恐怕第三次世界大战就要展开了。
4. 他说要让美国重新成为伟大的国家是对的,所以我们不需要他。
5. 这是什么‘总统接班人’的实境秀现场吗...?
6. 看来希拉蕊躺着选了...
7. 喜剧演员真应该学着点,这才叫搞笑。
8. 衷心期盼开票那天,能用选票对他说:You're FIRED! (Trump的名言)
...... 族繁不及备载,但以上言论还真是熟悉,去年都似曾相似呢。