※ 引述《zyxel (The West Wing)》之铭言:
: abcnews
: John Nash, 'A Beautiful Mind' Mathematician, and His Wife Killed in New
: Jersey Taxi Crash
: Princeton University mathematician and Nobel Prize winner John Nash, whose
: life was the subject of the film "A Beautiful Mind," was killed in a taxi
: crash along with his wife in New Jersey on Saturday.
: Nash and Alicia Nash were in a taxi on the New Jersey Turnpike when the
: driver lost control and crashed into a guard rail, said New Jersey State
: Police Sgt. Gregory Williams.
: Authorities don't believe Nash or his wife were wearing seat belts since they
: were both ejected from the taxi, said Williams. The crash remains under
: investigation.
: Nash was 86; his wife was 82. The couple lived in Princeton.
: http://abcnews.go.com/US/john-nash-beautiful-mind
: -mathematician-wife-killed-jersey/story?id=31268512
: 简短翻译 : 电影美丽境界中的数学家John Nash与其夫人,于纽泽西一起出租车车祸
: 中身亡。
身为理工肥宅 相当佩服这位数学家
而是他可以在精神病的折磨之下 依然没放弃他的研究
以前我一个教授形容他 Nash多半时间活在自己的梦里
不过我更佩服普林斯顿大学 可以包容一个精神分裂病患到这种地步
给他资源 研究室 和自由的时间
如果他不是在美国这种环境 可能就是一辈子待在病院 埋没他的天分吧