fun5566 (8卦板译人打赏箱没钱)
2015-05-09 03:06:561.媒体来源:
※ 例如 NHK 新闻
Experts: Faults at Mihama reactor unlikely to move
May 8, 2015 - Updated 15:47 UTC+8
A group of experts says faults under a nuclear reactor compound in Fukui
Prefecture are unlikely to become active.
At a meeting of the Nuclear Regulation Authority on Friday, the group
presented a draft report on the No. 3 reactor at the Mihama power plant. The
draft says the group found no proof that the faults were active in the past
130,000 years.
The group plans to ask for opinions from other experts before submitting the
report to the authority.
The NRA is to make a final assessment on the faults and the reactor's quake
resistance during its screening, which is a prerequisite to restarting the
The plant's operator, Kansai Electric Power Company, aims to extend the
lifespan of the 38-year-old reactor.
To restart the reactor, the firm must pass a screening under regulations
introduced after the Fukushima nuclear accident and another screening for
extending the lifespan by November 2016.
The firm has decided to decommission 2 other reactors at the plant that are
over 40 years old.
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5.备注: 翻译若有误 请更正 谢谢! (第398篇)
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问题: 盖一间房子需要400万新台币吗?
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