※ 引述《Sinreigensou (神灵幻想)》之铭言:
: ※ 引述《Pony5566 (Luna Akbar)》之铭言:
: : 1.媒体来源:
: : TODAYonline
: : 2.完整新闻标题:
: : China says Taiwan not welcome in new infrastructure bank
: : 3.完整新闻内文:
: : BEIJING — China today (March 31) said that it is not interested in having
: : Taiwan as a founding member of its new Asia-oriented infrastructure bank.
: : “We want to avoid (creating the perception) of two Chinas, or one China, on
: e
: : Taiwan,” Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said during a regular
: : press briefing.
: : With the deadline to join looming, Taipei announced earlier today that it
: : would apply for membership in the bank’s founding class.
: : The decision comes on the heels of a rush of last-minute applications by
: : several European countries, as well as Australia, to join the organisation,
: : conceived by China as a vehicle for increasing investment in the region.
: : The United States has strongly discouraged participation in the bank, citing
: : concerns about transparency in lending.
: : China regards Taiwan as a renegade province awaiting reunification, by force
: : if necessary, and has consistently discouraged international organisations
: : from accepting the neighbouring democracy as a member.
: : Taiwan and China have been governed separately since they split amid a civil
: : war in 1949, and the two countries have no formal diplomatic relations.
: : Currently, Taiwan is only recognised by a handful of countries around the
: : world, mostly small nations in Central America and the South Pacific. KYODO
: : NEWS
: : 简单来讲 台湾在本日(31号)稍早提出申请加入亚投行 不过中国认为亚投行是国际组织
: : 所以就像其他国际组织(UN/WTO等)一样拒绝台湾加入
: : 4.完整新闻连结 (或短网址):
: : http://www.todayonline.com/world/asia/china-says-taiwan-not-welcome-new-
: : infrastructure-bank
: : http://goo.gl/nYRfMU
: : 5.备注:
: : 这篇文章最早的出处是日本的共同通讯社 不过那边的文章要有订阅他们才能看
: : 虽然被中国主人打脸了可是别忘了马卡茸搞黑箱的死性还是没改
: 感觉想要用国家名义加入国际组织都会被中国从中杯葛
: 你要进入国际只能用支那台北、台澎金马独立关税领域
: 我之前问说独立会不会被中国经济制裁
: 我更害怕就算我们独立照样被中国杯葛进入国际组织甚至和别国交往
: 成立台湾国就等于之前以支那台北和关税领域名义加入的都要重新申请
: 然后被打枪
: 妈的支那去死一死啦