Schwinger (千金之子不死于盗贼)
2015-03-27 13:09:21当初做这东西的时候,坦白说我是从弦论AdS/CFT去做这东西,因为都是自己做论文
看出这里面的秘密了,每次遇到瓶颈和挫折,我就去超材料教皇ICL的 John Pendry和
Duke大学的D. R.Smith网站朝圣,我自己乱翻了一点超材料的历史,因为文章很长
能够有真正科学传承,我相信诺贝尔物理奖提名者John Pendry和D. R.Smith能,我们也行!
The Story of Metamaterials and Negative Index: A Personal Perspective
One of the questions I am often asked is how metamaterials first started.
Arguably, metamaterials is now a billion dollar enterprise, if you add up all
of the funding that has poured into metamaterials research and development
over the years. In addition, metamaterials has become one of the most exposed
if not overexposed areas of research, with the term "metamaterial" reaching
well into the popular media
我经常被问的其中一个问题是 超材料如何开始起源的。可以说,如果你加上大量
So, how did it all start?
Just as a matter of full disclosure, what I'm writing here is not an official
or comprehensive history. It's a history from my point-of-view, about what
was on my mind at the time and the events that happened to and around me. The
field of metamaterials has a lot of threads; I don't think anyone at this
point could recount a complete story of the development of the field, which
by now contains the contributions from thousands of researchers
多的子领域; 我不认为任何人有能力完整描述这个现在包含成千上万的研究人员的贡献发
But, for me, the beginnings of metamaterials were very modest. I had no grand
visions, or particular end goals. Metamaterials, or artificial materials,
were for me just a hobby, really - a means of trying to understand an
entirely unrelated phenomenon. I never anticipated that negative index
materials, or cloaking, or any of the other almost magical properties of
metamaterials would exist. All of the really big discoveries made in this \
field, by our group or by other groups, were all pleasant surprises!
I don't know how a discovery is "typically" made. What I find interesting
about the events that led to the development of the metamaterials field is
the seeming randomness of events and, maybe, the luck that was involved. If
there is any message here, it is to learn as much as you can about everything,
as deeply as possible; and, to play around with ideas until you obtain an
almost intuitive knowledge of them. As you build an internal mental
picture of a subject, you also want to allow that picture to evolve and adapt
as you gain more information. Being intellectually honest is also important -
never let your desired outcome interfere with reality, however tempting! I
suspect these very generic and simple rules are prerequisites for progress
and discovery in any field, but I can only give a firsthand account of what
happened for the case of metamaterials. By definition, a discovery is
something you don't anticipate, so all you can do to make a discovery is be
very aware; be opportunistic; and gain as much knowledge as possible.
料或人工材料在以前对我来说真的只是一种嗜好, - 试图了解一个完全不相关的现象的
尽可能地广泛并尽可能地深入地学习你所了解的一切; 并且一直”玩弄”的物理想法,直
很重要 – 然而绝不要让你所渴望的诱人结果来干扰实验事实!我怀疑这些非常通用的且
为第一手资料。根据定义,所谓的 发现 是一些你不预期的事,因此你对所发现能做的是
In the following, I provide my personal background and perspective on the
events surrounding metamaterials, but I also try to include conversations and
discussions and arguments I had with my friends and colleagues. People assess
and react to the unknown very differently and with very different states of
mind. I think, for the case of metamaterials, the controversy that erupted
and the back-and-forth scientific discussions really highlight the excitement
that resulted as our collective intuition was challenged by some of the
notions that emerged. It was great to be at the center of the metamaterials
explosion; metamaterials continues to be an endlessly fascinating field with
seemingly endless possibilities. Although some of the arguments and debates
were frustrating at the time, I never blamed anyone for expressing an
alternative point-of-view; I have come away from the entire experience with
the belief that the scientific community as a collective is dedicated,
sincere and robust. I'm always amazed at the willingness that others have to
deeply evaluate and investigate any idea that arises, for no reason other
than pure scientific curiosity. It's a healthy impulse that guides us all to
the truth and makes possible the intense progress that benefits all of our
点时从来没有指责任何人; 我在科学界的经验一路走来一直是: 敬业、真诚和稳健的体验
It was in mid-December of 1999, during the time our manuscript on negative
index materials was under submission to Physical Review Letters. While doing
some background research, Willie Padilla and I had run across a paper by
Russian physicist Victor Veselago, published in 1968, that had theoretically
predicted the existence of the artificial material we had just succeeded in
creating and had demonstrated in the lab - a material with a negative index
of refraction. Because our material was actually a construction of little
copper wires and rings rather than a conventional material, we were calling
it a "metamaterial," a term that had just recently been coined to describe
artificial materials. Shelly Schultz, my PhD and postdoctoral advisor, burst
into my office one day, really excited - practically breathless.
"I've been in this business for over forty years, but now I'm going to do
something I've never done in my life." As often with Shelly, he delivered the
news with a level of seriousness that bordered on the dramatic.
"What's that? I asked.
"I'm going to organize a press conference on the discovery of negative index
metamaterials at the American Physical Society March Meeting in Minneapolis."
(Physical Review Letters)期间。当时做了一些相关背景研究,Willie Padilla和我偶
然发现了一篇前苏联物理学家Victor Veselago于1968年的论文,他曾从理论上预言了人
工材料的存在,这正是我们刚刚成功地创造并在实验室中证实 - 一个折射率为负的材料
Shelly Schultz真的是很兴奋地;几乎喘不过气来冲进我的办公室-。
While initially skeptical about the artificial material work, over time
Shelly had become truly inspired, especially once we had discovered the
Veselago paper; now he was brimming with enthusiasm. Shelly held a deep and
profound passion for science and especially loved to challenge himself and
others with intellectual puzzles and conundrums. This passion made him a
dynamic and dazzling lecturer who could inspire and transfix his audience, as
he rattled out physics concepts with a rapid-fire, machine gun like tempo.
Though most of his life had been spent in San Diego, Shelly had never lost
the fast-paced, New York delivery that he was well known for. Shelly didn't
just present the facts; he liked to build a story, usually dangling some
mystery in front of the audience at the beginning of a lecture, then building
up to the resolution for a grand finale. His lectures were thus engaging,
delivered in an inimitable style that left his listeners excited and wanting
more. He was one of the very few professors at UCSD who routinely had a 100%
approval rating from his classes - a nearly impossible feat.
尤其是当我们发现了Veselago的论文; 现在他洋溢着热情。Shelly保持着对科学的深刻
地慌乱了物理学的概念,。虽然大多数他的生活已经过了在圣地牙哥(San Diego),
Shelly从未输过的快节奏,纽约的发行,他是众所周知的。Shelly不只是呈现事实; 他喜
一个几乎不可能完成的壮举 –
In Veselago's paper about negative index materials, Shelly had found one of
the greatest mysteries that he had ever come across. His intuition had been
knocked for a loop, and Shelly was reveling in the endless puzzles that a
negative index-of-refraction brought. Veselago suggested that nearly all of
electromagnetics would have to be rethought if negative index materials were
ever found and we had found them! Everything that Shelly had taught for forty
years - even basic concepts, such as Snell's law of refraction - now required
a second look. For Shelly, this was big news, and he wanted to share it with
the world.
思考,而我们已经找到了他们!甚至基本的概念,例如折射的Snell折射定律 - - 这
I, on the other hand, was shocked and almost immediately paralyzed with fear.
Why did we need a press conference? A press conference would mostly target
non-scientists; why would the general public be the least bit interested in
something as arcane as negative index? What immediately jumped into my mind
was all the press that had been generated by the cold fusion experiments
years before, in which a group of scientists from the University of Utah had
claimed to have accomplished a nuclear fusion process in a material. The
images of the Utah scientists prematurely celebrating their presumed
breakthrough with Champaign suddenly came to mind. Similar to what Shelly was
proposing, the Utah group had decided to announce their results before their
paper was published, before the rest of the scientific community even had a
chance to confirm their findings. In the end, when the results could not be
reproduced, the Utah scientists - perhaps unfairly - suffered enormously.
会?新闻记者会将主要针对非科学家; 为什么一般大众会对一点点神秘感的负折射忏生兴
来自犹他大学(University of Utah)的科学家曾声称在材料中实现核融合的过程。犹他大
有机会以确认他们的发现。最后,当实验结果不能被重制,犹他大学的科学家 - 也许遭受
巨大的不公平 。
A press conference could seriously backfire. We had done a very interesting
experiment, for sure, but we had no idea if negative index was actually
useful for anything; moreover, all of our interpretations had not been really
tested. We were drawing our conclusions by inferring a lot from a combination
of experiments and simulations; there would need to be much more work done to
really substantiate the results.
But Shelly was adamant. He saw negative index as an important breakthrough
and was convinced the rest of the world would be as fascinated as he was.
Brushing aside my concerns, he wanted to organize a press conference, and he
wanted me to go with him to Minneapolis to participate. My only consolation
was that, unlike cold fusion, which stood to solve the world’s energy needs,
no one would understand or care about negative index. If we were somehow
wrong or had misinterpreted our results, maybe we could still go unnoticed.
没有得到真正的检验。我们的结论透过一连串实验和模拟组合的图表推断; 将有需要做
As the time of the APS meeting and press conference drew near, reporters
started calling. And calling. And calling. I had thought no one would be
interested, but it seemed like everyone was interested.
"I was on the phone for more than an hour with the science reporter from the
New York Times, Shelly announced one day ."I tried to explain negative
refraction to the reporter, but I'm a little disappointed that he had so much
trouble getting it. Shelly seemed genuinely surprised.
The New York Times? Seriously? That was coverage I hadn't expected in my
wildest thoughts. And many other major newspapers were also calling and
considering running the story. There wasn't much I could do. I could only
answer questions if any reporters or journalists decided to call, to the best
of my ability. The cat was out of the bag, and there was no turning back.
For the press conference, the staff at APS wanted a couple of distinguished
physicists to be on a panel to support and discuss the results. Shelly asked
Walter Kohn, a physicist at UC Santa Barbara who had won the Nobel Prize in
Chemistry in 1998, and Marvin Cohen from UC Berkeley. They were both
intrigued with the negative index after Shelly explained to them the
experiments, and graciously agreed to be on the panel.
The press conference was held in March of 2000, about a month before the
paper would be published in early May. While reporters and possibly some
researchers would have copies of our manuscript to evaluate, most other
scientists would not. I was incredibly uncomfortable with it all! The night
before the press conference, I couldn’t sleep, distraught and almost sick
with the thought that we were making a big deal about our work when we might
have missed something technical, or were overstating the significance. It was
的物理学家Walter Kohn与加州大学伯克利分校Marvin Cohen。在Shelly向他们解释了实
The concept of a negative index of refraction is pretty technical. Shelly had
a talent for explaining complex ideas and making people feel like they
understood them. He was at a stage in his career where he knew how to convey
the big picture, and not get bogged down in the technical details. I didn't
have that talent. Moreover, Shelly was not shy; he was outgoing and filled
with self-confidence. I was far more the introvert, and also riddled with
doubts that we hadn’t been self-critical enough with respect to our theory
or experiments. I was terrified about every statement I made, and tried to
qualify every sentence to the point that everything I said became useless. As
I anticipated the day of the press conference, I imagined trying to explain
negative index to journalists, or - even worse - trying to answer what
negative index might be good for. The thought of telling a reporter "negative
index is good for reversing Cerenkov radiation" made me queasy. Even trying
to explain what a "magnetic permeability" and an "electric permittivity,"
which were absolutely necessary to understand the structure we had build, was
next to impossible. Those concepts are difficult enough for physicists to get
技术细节越陷越深。我没有那个天赋。此外,Shelly不是腼腆; 他是非常外向并充满了自
我在记者招待会当天预期,我想像试图解释负折射率给记者们,或者 - 甚至更糟 - 试图
Shelly's enthusiasm, though, was unbridled and unstoppable. "Negative index
is a major, major discovery!" He'd say, "What is it good for? I don't know.
But when the laser was invented, no one knew what to do with that either, and
now lasers are in supermarkets. No one could have predicted that!"
Negative index was pretty neat, but, in the end, we were scattering
microwaves off of metal. To my mind, while we had found a really interesting
effect and fulfilled a thirty year old conjecture, it wasn't the same as
demonstrating a laser, which had produced non-classical, coherent light for
the first time based on a quantum mechanical effect. I would never have
compared our metamaterial structure to the laser.
But, despite all of my reservations and concerns, the press conference went
forward. And, instead of no one being interested, the science journalists
were really intrigued and negative index looked like it would become the
story for the 2000 APS Meeting.
As I had expected, it was a difficult topic for the reporters to cover, and
equally difficult to convey the importance. I also had my first experience of
dealing with science reporters, which turned out to be fantastic. The
journalists who covered the science stories truly loved science and tried
very hard to get the story right, while making it palatable for their
audience. I was deeply impressed with their care in writing the story, fact
checking and allowing us to review drafts for accuracy. They worked hard
trying to explain our own discovery for us, suggesting analogies and even
postulating possible uses for our arcane materials.
I also got a sense of where accuracy has to be sacrificed for the sake of
generating interest or conveying to non-specialists quickly. At one point I
was working with a reporter from the Washington Post, who was covering the
APS press conference. He was on the phone with his editor, and we were making
last minute changes to his story just before his deadline. The editor wanted
a title.
The reporter was listening to something the editor was saying. Then, he
cupped his hand over the phone and leaned over to me: "My editor likes the
title 'Left-Handed Material Said to Reverse Energy.' Is that ok?
I thought about it. "No, our material really doesn't reverse energy-I'm not
even sure what that means exactly. Our material just scatters waves, and
inside the material waves appear to propagate the wrong way, back toward the
source. But it's just an illusion; the flow of energy is still the same. The
title is definitely misleading, if not entirely wrong."
The reporter got back on the phone to the editor. "He says your title isn't
right. Energy doesn't go backwards. Yeah. Yeah. Ok."
“我的编辑喜欢这标题”左手材料说成反转能量。“ 这样可以吗?
我想过这个问题。“不,我们的材料并没有真的反转能量 - 我甚至不确定这代表的正确
误导性的 “。
The reporter leaned over again, hand over the phone and declared "we're gonna
run with that title anyway. My editor likes it."
Not much I could do! The article was great, and, wrong as it was, the short,
catchy title would unquestionably attract readers' attention.
To my surprise, the press release from the APS (which can be viewed here) and
the press conference caught fire and within a week everyone was talking about
negative index. The story was global, and reporters even found and obtained
comments from Victor Veselago, who had postulated about negative index more
than three decades before.
至发现和获得三十多年前提出负折射假设的Victor Veselago的意见。
In 1997, I was into my third year of a postdoc in the group of Sheldon
("Shelly") Schultz, in the Physics Department of the University of
California, San Diego (UCSD). I had completed my PhD in the same group in
1994, on the topic of microwave scattering in photonic crystals. After
graduating and becoming a postdoc, I had switched research topics, and was
now investigating the optical microscopy of metal nanoparticles. While the
two topics may seem unrelated, they both involved the interaction of light
with materials - structured materials, in the former case; and metals, in the
latter. My postdoc advisor, Shelly, had formed a company called Seashell
Technologies to try and commercialize the metal nanoparticles for use as
super bright labels in biological assays. As part of my postdoc research, I
was to develop methods to simulate and better understand how light interacted
with the metal nanoparticles and how we might optimize them.
Why metal nanoparticles?
1997年,我在加州大学圣地亚哥分校(UCSD)的物理系的 Sheldon ("Shelly")
牵涉到光与材料的互相作用 -在前者(博士时)是以光与结构材料交互作用; ,在后者
As it turns out, certain metals scatter visible light like crazy. The
incident electric fields of the light cause the electrons in the metal to
oscillate, scattering the light with enormous efficiency. If you look at a
bunch of silver nanoparticles under the right kind of microscope, they look
like bright, colorful beacons, or colorful stars in the night sky. Physicists
have longer understood the basics of why the metal nanoparticles are so
bright: Light impinging on a metal sphere, for example, is a classical
physics problem that can be solved exactly; all that is needed to describe
the problem is a certain property of the metal called the "electric
permittivity,"" which is denoted by the symbol . No matter how complicated
are the microscopic details of a material, its response to electromagnetic
waves (like light or radio waves) can be mostly understood by just two
parameters: The electric permittivity, ε, and the magnetic permeability, μ.
For most non-magnetic materials, like metals, you can ignore μ entirely, and
pretty much describe all the optical properties of the material just by ε.
For certain metals at optical wavelengths, ε is a negative number. A
nanoparticle that has a negative ε can actually bind light on its surface,
squeezing the light into nanosized regions that are much smaller than the
wavelength of light. This tight, localization of light is one of the main
features of metal nanoparticles and what makes them so fascinating to study.
It also makes them really tough to study.
的一个经典物理学问题; 所有这一切需要说明的问题是所谓的“电容率”,“这是符号记
为 的金属某些性质。不管有多么复杂材料的微观细节,其对应于电磁波(光或无线电波)
就只要了解这二个参数,介电常数 和磁导系数 。对于大多数的非磁性物料,如金属,
可以完全忽略,和许多几乎所有描述材料的光学性质一样,我们关注主要是 的性质。
对于某些金属在光波波长, 是一个负数。具有负 的纳米颗粒实际上可以结合在其表面上
Because light can vary at a scale much smaller than the wavelength on a metal
nanoparticle, it is hard to compute light scattering from a metal
nanoparticle that has an arbitrary shape. Most electromagnetic simulators
solve for the electric and magnetic fields at a discrete number of points
within a volume. Normally, the density of points needed is a few times
smaller than the wavelength. For metal nanoparticles, though, a much larger
density is required, meaning way more points to capture the physics
accurately. And so, the computational time shoots up as does the required
memory. While the computational difficulties are much more tractable now, the
"plasmon" problem was a major challenge in 1997!
Since our group was more on the experimental and conceptual side, it didn't
seem like developing and debugging numerical methods was the most efficient
task for me. Luckily, at a near-field conference I attended in the Czech
Republic, I saw an inspiring talk by Olivier Martin (then a postdoc at the
ETH in Zurich), who presented what looked like the ideal method for computing
the properties of nanoparticles. His was the first talk of the conference,
and I knew immediately that his method was the one we should be using! At the
conference I was able to discuss the plasmon problem with Olivier, and he
also became very intrigued with the challenge. He was very happy to visit our
group in San Diego and help us get a more quantitative understanding of
nanoparticles with different shapes. His method was great, and we
collaborated closely for many years.
Still, it was a struggle to figure out exactly what was going on with these
nanoparticles, especially when trying to match up the simulation predictions
with what we were seeing under the microscope.
上,我看到了一个鼓舞人心的讲座,由Olivier Martin(当时他是苏黎世ETH的博士后)