IDaHoo (爱打呼)
2015-03-22 12:07:15之前郑捷在捷运车厢开无双之后
像柯南 金田一 GTA这类的
Road Rash is the name of a motorcycle-racing video game series by Electronic
Arts in which the player participates in violent, illegal street races. The
series started on the Mega Drive and made its way to various other systems
over the years. The game's title is based on the slang term for the severe
friction burns that can occur in a motorcycle fall where skin comes into
contact with the ground at high speed.
Six different games were released from 1991 to 1999, and an alternate version
of one game was developed for the Game Boy Advance. The Mega Drive trilogy
wound up in EA Replay.
※ 引述《GoogleDocs (Google文件)》之铭言:
: 1.媒体来源:
: 三立
: 2.完整新闻标题:
: 影/踹车画面曝光!伸脚踹机车骑士 男自撞分隔岛身亡
: http://setn.com/News.aspx?PageGroupID=6&NewsID=66779&PageType=12
: 3.完整新闻内文:
: 记者薄心宇/台北报导
: 台北市昨(21)日一名30岁的谢姓男子,骑机车行经中山北路三段花博公园附近,疑似行
: 车纠纷,他伸脚去踹一旁同方向的摩托车,但是却没有注意到前方车道缩减,一头撞上分
: 隔岛,再波及原先被踹的摩托车,以及另一名女骑士,谢姓男子因为头部重创,送医后宣
: 告不治,被波及的摩托车骑士,则是全身多处擦伤。
: 透过行车记录器可以看到慢车道上的摩托车,在绿灯亮起后前进,不过却有两辆机车一前
: 一后疑似在追逐,下一秒内侧机车没注意到车道缩减,自撞分隔岛,送医不幸身亡。
: 根据警方了解30岁的谢姓男子疑似伸脚去踹一旁同方向的摩托车,没注意到前方道路状况
: ,撞上分隔岛后还撞上欲踹的18岁的倪姓男子,造成男子多处擦伤,还波及到无辜的谢姓
: 女骑士,受到轻伤,欲踹人的谢姓男子头部重创,送医后不治身亡。(整理:实习编辑王
: 怡翔)
: 4.完整新闻连结 (或短网址):
: http://setn.com/News.aspx?PageGroupID=6&NewsID=66779&PageType=12
: 5.备注:
: 这...呵呵...