→ chwa: 还自以为是四小龙 现在连条虫都不是 03/09 00:00
@ International Monetary Fund (I.M.F) http://tinyurl.com/ndnbsd7
国际 货币 基金
※ Advanced economies: Newly industrialized Asian economies (4 countries)
先进 的 经济体 新兴 工业化 亚细亚 经济体 4 国 们
☑ Hong Kong SAR ☑ Singapore
☑ Korea ☑ Taiwan Province of China
→ chwa: 还自以为是四小龙 现在连条虫都不是 03/09 00:00
@ Asian Development Bank http://tinyurl.com/k6wrfhy P10
亚洲 开发 银行 http://i.imgur.com/9vys7ez.png
※ High and middle-income country groups ※
高 与 中 收入 国 分组
High income Middle income
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3
High income High income Middle income continuously
before/in 1965 after 1965 during 1987–2009
n=17 n=14 n=28
Europe Europe Europe Latin America
Austria Croatia Belarus Argentina
Belgium Czech Republic Lithuania Bolivia
Denmark Hungary Romania Brazil
Finland Poland Russia Chile
France Slovakia Colombia
Germany Asia Costa Rica
Italy Greece Malaysia Dominica
Netherlands,The Ireland Philippines El Salvador
Norway Portugal Thailand Guatemala
Sweden Spain Mexico
Switzerland Africa/Near East Panama
United Kingdom Asia Jordan Paraguay
Hong Kong,China Lebanon
Japan Morocco
Republic of Korea South Africa
North America/Oceania Singapore Syria
Australia Taipei,China Tunisia
Canada Turkey
New Zealand
United States
Near East
Note: Includes only countries with a population of above 3 million;
注 包括 只有 国 有 1 人口 的 大于 3 百万
excludes members of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
排除 成员 的 这 组织 的 这 石油 出口 国
→ chwa: 还自以为是四小龙 现在连条虫都不是 03/09 00:00
@ National Day Rally 2012|总理华语群众大会演讲2012 http://tinyurl.com/lvo77az
※ 李显龙 :
我们 的处境 和台湾、香港、韩国 有 相似的 地方
我们 是 亚洲四条小龙
在 经过 30~40年 的 高速发展 之后
已经 到了 一个 关键的 转折点
快速增长 的时代 已经 过去
我们 现在 都在 寻找 一条 平稳前进 的 新道路
这需要 新的 策略 新的 秘诀
→ chwa: 还自以为是四小龙 现在连条虫都不是 03/09 00:00
@ Asian Development Bank http://tinyurl.com/oavhocx
亚洲 开发 银行 http://ppt.cc/GR-q
The recent global economic crisis hit the Asian tiger economies of Hong Kong,
亚洲 虎 经济体
China; Korea; Singapore; and Taipei,China hard, in spite of their strong
macroeconomic fundamentals and sound financial systems
→ chwa: 还自以为是四小龙 现在连条虫都不是 03/09 00:00
@ 韩国 朝鲜日报 http://tinyurl.com/m4bkxkp
※ 韩“经济追赶速度” 落后亚洲竞争对手
2014-08-27 16:11
济规模(世界第15位) 相比,收入水平(第24位)上升缓慢。李根表示:“一度呈现出相
→ chwa: 还自以为是四小龙 现在连条虫都不是 03/09 00:00
@ Central Intelligence Agency (C.I.A) http://goo.gl/Kyagb0
中央 情报 局 http://ppt.cc/d7nb
※ Four Dragons
the four small Asian less developed countries (LDCs) that have
experienced unusually rapid economic growth;
also known as the Four Tigers;
this group consists of Hong Kong, South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan;
these countries are included in the IMF's "advanced economies" group
→ chwa: 还自以为是四小龙 现在连条虫都不是 03/09 00:00
@ The Economist http://www.economist.com/node/21553498
这 经济学人 http://ppt.cc/r5kf
※ Asian economic rankings : A game of leapfrog
the emerging Asian tigers —Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan
这个 新兴 的 亚洲 虎 们
→ chwa: 还自以为是四小龙 现在连条虫都不是 03/09 00:00
@ Allianz http://tinyurl.com/k9n6b5c P101
德国安联 http://i.imgur.com/N9PfrRL.png
※ Asia ※
Malaysia and Thailand have seen their assets grow by 12.3% and 11.1%
respectively, with private households in the first-generation tiger states of
第一 代 老虎 国 们
Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan still reporting annual growth of 9.8%, 9.3%
and 7.6%.
If we were only to look at the emerging markets and the tiger states, growth
in the region would tally up to 16.3%.
→ chwa: 还自以为是四小龙 现在连条虫都不是 03/09 00:00
@ CREDIT SUISSE http://tinyurl.com/pqar9wn P55
瑞士信贷 http://i.imgur.com/GY4Ml6I.png
※ Taiwan , Asian Tiger ※
台 湾 亚洲的 虎
Taiwan is a prime example of a successful Asian Tiger economy
亚洲 虎 经济体
Its average wealth is USD 151,800
well above the level of even the most successful developing and transition
and close to some countries in Western Europe.
→ chwa: 还自以为是四小龙 现在连条虫都不是 03/09 00:00
@ Citi + The Economist 2013 http://tinyurl.com/nu2yqu8 P20
花旗 这 经济学人 http://ppt.cc/2b0A
The most competitive Asian cities in 2025 are spread across the four“Asian
4 亚洲
Tigers” (Seoul and Incheon in South Korea, Taipei in Taiwan, Hong Kong and
虎 们