PTT 的乡民很嗜血,
※ 引述《handson5566 (憨神)》之铭言:
: As the title say,
: I cannot type Chinese at PTT.
I'm fine, thank you. And you?
: I just want to ask something,
: but my bbs let me not to type any Chinese word.
This is a book and that is a pan.
: What can I do?
This is a boy playing ball on the park.
: Please help me,or I will not fell asleep tonight,
: because I can't say any word at PTT.
No problem. Glad to meet you.
: PTT like a cup of milk,it makes me felling comfortable
: so that I can sleep like a baby.
It's a peace of cake.
: Is here anyone like me?
I like you.